3,000,000 tourists move through Venice each year. But when the tourists leave the city, 60,000 year-round resÂiÂdents stay behind, conÂtinÂuÂing their daiÂly lives, which requires navÂiÂgatÂing an archÂiÂpelÂago made up of 124 islands, 183 canals and 438 bridges. How this comÂpliÂcatÂed city works – how the buildÂings are defendÂed from water, how the buildÂings stand on unsteady ground, how the VeneÂtians navÂiÂgate this maze of a city – is a pretÂty fasÂciÂnatÂing stoÂry. These techÂniques have been worked out over Venice’s 1500 year hisÂtoÂry, and now they’re explored in a capÂtiÂvatÂing 17 minute video proÂduced by a VenetÂian govÂernÂment agency. You can learn more about the inner life of this great city at Venice BackÂstage.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch City Out of Time, A Short TribÂute to Venice, NarÂratÂed by William ShatÂner in 1959
30,000,000 tourists move trough Venice every year!