JuxÂtapoz writes: “NevÂer invitÂed to be the part of Venice BienÂnale, Banksy once again invitÂed himÂself to showÂcase his work. Using a typÂiÂcal pop-up stand that usuÂalÂly sells tacky paintÂings and souÂvenirs, he assemÂbled a selecÂtion of 9 works that colÂlecÂtiveÂly built an image of a masÂsive cruise ship blockÂing the city.”
In recent years, the flood of masÂsive cruise ships into Venice has creÂatÂed tenÂsions between VeneÂtians and tourism comÂpaÂnies. It’s pretÂty clear on what side the street artist comes down.
Get more at JuxÂtapoz.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
How Venice Works: 124 Islands, 183 Canals & 438 Bridges
Watch City Out of Time, A Short TribÂute to Venice, NarÂratÂed by William ShatÂner in 1959
He has good comÂmenÂtary about Venice, but I was there in 2008 and thought it was a gloÂried DisÂney Epcot CenÂter even back then. There is almost no ItalÂian culÂture in the city despite the ItalÂian resÂiÂdents who still live there. Cruise ships being added to the mix are just the icing on the cake.
Well, not comÂpleteÂly gone. I’m the kind of walkÂer, who simÂply can’t say no. Part of the culÂture of Venice locals knowÂing how to deal with the crowdÂed scene. I litÂerÂalÂly landÂed in a court yard, whose name escapes. GrandÂmothÂers sitÂting on whatÂevÂer was there, with grandÂchilÂdren dartÂing around. There was chewÂing gum BrookÂlyn which I had to buy. So yes tourism had leaked in or maybe grandÂma had actuÂalÂly went there. Back home in the not the USSR, I came across an artiÂcle in our recyÂcling bin. It was one of those glossies about travÂel. And lo and behold, there was the hidÂden gem. Uh, oh, where do I next
StumÂble around?