Watch the First Trailer for Martin Scorsese’s New Film, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story 

Rolling Thun­der Revue: A Bob Dylan Sto­ry “cap­tures the trou­bled spir­it of Amer­i­ca in 1975, and the joy­ous music that Bob Dylan per­formed that fall [dur­ing the Rolling Thun­der Revue tour]. Mas­ter film­mak­er Mar­tin Scors­ese cre­ates a one-of-a-kind movie expe­ri­ence: part doc­u­men­tary, part con­cert film, part fever dream. Fea­tur­ing Joan Baez, Rubin Hur­ri­cane Carter, Sam Shep­ard, Allen Gins­berg, and Bob Dylan giv­ing his first on-cam­era inter­view in over a decade. The film goes beyond mere recla­ma­tion of Dylan’s extra­or­di­nary music—it’s a roadmap into the wild coun­try of artis­tic self-rein­ven­tion.”

Watch the brand new trail­er above, and mark June 12th on your cal­en­dar when the film arrives on Net­flix.

Relat­ed­ly, June 7th is when Dylan will release The Rolling Thun­der Revue: The 1975 Live Record­ings, a 14CD box set that fea­tures all five sets from the Rolling Thun­der Revue tour that were pro­fes­sion­al­ly record­ed.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Tan­gled Up in Blue: Deci­pher­ing a Bob Dylan Mas­ter­piece

Clas­sic Songs by Bob Dylan Re-Imag­ined as Pulp Fic­tion Book Cov­ers: “Like a Rolling Stone,” “A Hard Rain’s A‑Gonna Fall” & More

Watch Joan Baez Endear­ing­ly Imi­tate Bob Dylan (1972)

Hear Bob Dylan’s New­ly-Released Nobel Lec­ture: A Med­i­ta­tion on Music, Lit­er­a­ture & Lyrics

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  • Fred says:

    Well if it’s as good as the Last Waltz, then it will be fun to see.

  • Bill W. says:

    America’s “trou­bled spir­it” of 75!? As opposed to when, the last 25 years? I WISH it was 1975 again, despite the prob­lems of that day, Amer­i­ca was still a fair­ly nor­mal place then; those were fun times! Dylan’s album, BTW, was mediocre then, and still is today. What hap­pened to him?

  • Brian Treacy says:

    That’s a pret­ty high bar.

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