Pink Floyd is helpÂing you get through the coroÂnÂavirus by streamÂing free conÂcert films on YouTube. First came Pulse, a 22-song set from the 1994 DiviÂsion Bell tour. Now comes Pink Floyd: Live at PomÂpeii, a 1972 conÂcert film feaÂturÂing the band perÂformÂing withÂin the ancient Roman amphitheÂatre at PomÂpeii. It’s a clasÂsic. Watch it above. And learn more about the film in our priÂor post here.
Note: The film is only streamÂing free on YouTube for 24 hours. So watch it while you can. Once the film goes dark, you can watch outÂtakes here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
RadioÂhead Will Stream ConÂcerts Free Online Until the PanÂdemÂic Comes to an End
Video unavailÂable
This video is priÂvate.
Same here — very disÂapÂpointÂing !
Video needs perÂmisÂsion ??
Null !!