First released in 1984, Jonathan DemÂme’s acclaimed conÂcert film Stop MakÂing Sense feaÂtured the TalkÂing Heads at the height of their creÂative and musiÂcal powÂers. The film starts with David Byrne, alone on a bare stage, with a boomÂbox and his big white suit, perÂformÂing “PsyÂcho Killer.” Then, with each new song, he’s joined by difÂferÂent bandÂmates and an assemÂblage of gear and lights, all showÂing, step-by-step, how a conÂcert gets made. It’s an invenÂtive film. And it’s comÂing back to theÂaters this August, restored no less in 4K resÂoÂluÂtion.
Above, in the offiÂcial trailÂer, watch Byrne retrieve his overÂsized suit from the dry cleanÂers some 40 years late, then try it on for size. Turns out, it still fits.…
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
TalkÂing Heads Live in Rome, 1980: The ConÂcert Film You Haven’t Seen
will takÂing heads come to CalÂiÂforÂnia, espeÂcialÂly Inland Empire?
Hope they fixed the audio!
On the origÂiÂnal the audio got out of sync the more you approached the end of the movie
He wore more regÂuÂlar-proÂporÂtioned suit for PsyÂcho Killer. Wore big suit for My GirlÂfriend is BetÂter.