Watch a Visual Symphony of Everyday Objects in the French Stop Motion Film, “Grands Canons”

“A brush makes water­col­ors appear on a white sheet of paper. An every­day object takes shape, drawn with pre­ci­sion by an artist’s hand. Then two, then three, then four… Super­im­posed, con­densed, mul­ti­plied, thou­sands of doc­u­men­tary draw­ings in suc­ces­sive series come to life on the screen, com­pos­ing a ver­i­ta­ble visu­al sym­pho­ny of every­day objects. The accu­mu­la­tion, both fas­ci­nat­ing and dizzy­ing, takes us on a trip through time.” That’s how the Vimeo chan­nel of Girelle Pro­duc­tions pref­aces the ani­ma­tion “Grands Canons” (aka “Big Guns”) by French film­mak­er Alain Biet. It’s a wild ride, a painstak­ing feat in exper­i­men­tal film­mak­ing. Enjoy it above.

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via Aeon/Kot­tke

Relat­ed Con­tent

Spike Jonze’s Stop Motion Film Haunt­ing­ly Ani­mates Paris’ Famed Shake­speare and Com­pa­ny Book­store

The Book of Leaves: A Beau­ti­ful Stop Motion Film Fea­tur­ing 12,000 Pressed Leaves

Watch “The Woodswim­mer,” a Stop Motion Film Made Entire­ly with Wood, and “Bru­tal­ly Tedious” Tech­niques

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