When the CIA Studied Psychic Techniques to Alter Human Consciousness & Unlock Time Travel: Discover “The Gateway Process”

By now, it’s wide­ly known that the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency ran a decades-long pro­gram of exper­i­ments involv­ing LSD and oth­er psy­choac­tive drugs called MKUl­tra from the nine­teen-fifties to the sev­en­ties. As one might sus­pect, that was­n’t the only research project into the manip­u­la­tion of human con­scious­ness the CIA had going on in the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. Anoth­er, a study of some­thing called the Gate­way Process, has more recent­ly come to wide atten­tion through an unlike­ly chan­nel. The rel­e­vant doc­u­ments “had been declas­si­fied for decades — but a new, younger audi­ence was intro­duced to the Gate­way when Tik­Tok caught on in 2021.”

So writes Elle’s Han­nah Sum­mer­hill, a self-described “long­time seek­er” recep­tive to the Gate­way Process’ con­cept of har­ness­ing not drugs but sound to “the art of becom­ing more con­scious of one’s par­tic­u­lar inner resources, inner abil­i­ties, and, most of all, one’s inner guid­ance.” The doc­u­men­ta­tion breaks down the lev­els of focus thus the­o­ret­i­cal­ly achiev­able into a series of lev­els: Focus 10 is “a med­i­ta­tive state con­ducive to heal­ing, psy­chic abil­i­ties, and remote view­ing (the abil­i­ty to ‘see’ objects in real time from a dis­tance). In the deep­er Focus 12 state, par­tic­i­pants report meet­ing their high­er selves; in Focus 15, they can manip­u­late time and chan­nel a ‘strong and guid­ing’ God-like fig­ure.”

All this was orig­i­nal­ly con­ceived by for­mer radio exec­u­tive Robert Mon­roe, whose self-exper­i­men­ta­tion with the effect of sound on human con­scious­ness — the same phe­nom­e­na exploit­ed by study-and med­i­ta­tion-assist­ing “bin­au­r­al beats” — led to his found­ing the Mon­roe Insti­tute. “In the late stages of the Cold War, con­vinced that the Sovi­ets were research­ing psy­chic abil­i­ties for espi­onage, the CIA tapped the Mon­roe Insti­tute to explore these meth­ods for them­selves,” writes Sum­mer­hill. You can read Lieu­tenant Colonel Wayne McDon­nel­l’s declas­si­fied July 1983 report on Mon­roe’s tech­niques here, as well as Thobey Cam­pi­on’s break­down of its main points at VICE here.

“A project like Gate­way that mar­ries sci­ence with the human yearn­ing for mean­ing seemed awful­ly promis­ing,” writes Pop­u­lar Mechan­ics’ Susan Lahey. “But, as it turned out, the process was not a gate­way between mate­ri­al­is­tic sci­ence and expe­ri­en­tial con­scious­ness; it was more like an effort to write a tech­ni­cal man­u­al for the inef­fa­ble.” Even if it sounds plau­si­ble to you that a bin­au­r­al beat-like sound record­ing “syncs the hemi­spheres of the brain into a sin­gle, pow­er­ful stream of ener­gy, like a laser,” you may feel less con­fi­dent when the report posits “a giant cos­mic egg with a nucle­us in the mid­dle where the Absolute spews mat­ter from a white hole into one side of the ovoid-shaped uni­verse.” It seems that the CIA nev­er did fig­ure out a way to reli­ably engage in time trav­el, remote view­ing or com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the divine, but maybe the Tik­Tok­ers will fig­ure it out.

Relat­ed con­tent:

Inside MK-Ultra, the CIA’s Secret Pro­gram That Used LSD to Achieve Mind Con­trol (1953–1973)

How the CIA Secret­ly Used Jack­son Pol­lock & Oth­er Abstract Expres­sion­ists to Fight the Cold War

How the CIA Fund­ed & Sup­port­ed Lit­er­ary Mag­a­zines World­wide While Wag­ing Cul­tur­al War Against Com­mu­nism

Read the CIA’s Sim­ple Sab­o­tage Field Man­u­al: A Time­less Guide to Sub­vert­ing Any Orga­ni­za­tion with “Pur­pose­ful Stu­pid­i­ty” (1944)

12 Mil­lion Declas­si­fied CIA Doc­u­ments Now Free Online: Secret Tun­nels, UFOs, Psy­chic Exper­i­ments & More

Based in Seoul, Col­in Marshall writes and broad­casts on cities, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His projects include the Sub­stack newslet­ter Books on Cities and the book The State­less City: a Walk through 21st-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­book.

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  • Dik Roytman says:

    The dev­il is con­cealed in tri­fles
    The solu­tion of a task is its accu­rate infor­ma­tion, but how to for­mu­late a clair­voy­ance prob­lem — abil­i­ty to pre­dict the future? Any such attempt has to be con­sid­ered as a lot­tery where the prob­a­bil­i­ty of guess­ing is eas­i­ly cal­cu­lat­ed as mul­ti­pli­ca­tion of prob­a­bil­i­ties of pos­si­ble events. It isn’t a lot of the events which prob­a­bil­i­ty inter­ests so to go to the for­tuneteller — let their no more than ten and for a month for­ward. Then prob­a­bil­i­ty of casu­al hit one of three hun­dred . It is pos­si­ble to crum­ble all this on small squares and to force a par­rot them to pull out, process appar­ent­ly acci­den­tal t and not trust. Sev­er­al respectable a mag­ic sphere (a flask with water a stop­per down), the twi­light (some fla­vored can­dles), eyes with huge pupils (on an atropine drop in every­one). It increas­es ser­vice time — let till 15 min­utes, but even more than a price and acquits itself. At the eight-hour work­ing day it is 32 clients a day, in such con­di­tions the the­o­ry of prob­a­bil­i­ty allows one exact hit of times in nine days, two in a row — time in nine years, three – time in 2812, and the age of the for­tuneteller any more does­n’t suf­fice. On the date of exact work there is no age of the Uni­verse already, long-term work of the Bul­gar­i­an prophet­ess Van­ga calls into ques­tion any more age — the Uni­verse sys­tem. But then either the grand­moth­er, or the Uni­verse, or both are arranged at a lit­tle dif­fer­ent­ly, than we think, as explains pos­si­bil­i­ty of their coex­is­tence .
    The grand­moth­er — the type of Homo Sapi­ens, an ori­gin — doubt­ful, i.e. all bases to apply on noble , what and busy , Both the­o­ries are based on absence of proofs at an adverse par­ty, we will com­bine them – da Bog cre­at­ed the per­son from a mon­key, with­out hav­ing left marks almost thus. Claim­ing that is cre­at­ed by God just like it, and any mon­keys — as are approved by oth­ers. Let’s appro­pri­ate divine oppor­tu­ni­ties and we will try to repeat it. First, we will remove puber­ty of years to thir­teen – almost half-lives for those times and that it is admis­si­ble to repro­duc­tion only the most suc­cess­ful copies, the oth­ers we will feed to lions, croc­o­diles and in gen­er­al all wish­ing – hunt­ing was in those days game bilat­er­al — not all were lucky to live to a funer­al. There­by hide inter­me­di­ate results that would lat­er become the main argu­ment in favor of God’s cre­ation. Sec­ond­ly, we will allow mur­der of the rival on a female what ear­li­er nev­er reached. For an insur­ance we intro­duce self-destruct losers — sui­cide unre­quit­ed love. Now we will reduce a repro­duc­tion inter­val, in com­bi­na­tion with a puber­ty delay it will reduce a fam­i­ly to two accu­rate­ly divid­ed gen­er­a­tions and blocks incest, stop­ping a species in devel­op­ment. The last stroke — elim­i­na­tion of the first gen­er­a­tion at the time of lift­ing of the third — we will clean from life suc­cess­ful, viable, but the sam­ples which have ful­filled a cycle. For this pur­pose we will enter the accel­er­at­ed aging which could be con­sid­ered as not cor­rect­ed process, if not a prog­e­ria — an ill­ness at which chil­dren die of aging that does obvi­ous arti­fi­cial­i­ty of this process. Now step back and look at what hap­pened, and get some­thing reverse to nat­ur­al selec­tion — direc­tion­al selec­tion, based on — inter­nal com­pe­ti­tion, strik­ing out at the ear­li­est oppor­tu­ni­ty a lit­tle less suc­cess­ful copies. . Cre­at­ed con­stant­ly oper­at­ing, by any­thing out­ward­ly unpro­voked, sense­less sys­tem bring to per­fec­tion idi­ot­ic out­side par­tic­u­lar pur­pose, of rep­re­sen­ta­tives of any kind. Tak­ing for a basis mon­key not wolf — ass, we came to the same result, except that the oth­er num­ber moves. The only dif­fer­ence the uncon­scious desire to sing the cho­rus under the full moon or the abil­i­ty to sleep stand­ing up.
    Sys­tem based on the prin­ci­ples of the Olympic and even worse — the losers go first, then the win­ners, is bound to be guar­an­teed safe from unplanned loss. In low­er mam­mals it is done sim­ple — at the time of pre­ma­ture death the ani­mal inform all mem­bers of the group and thus starts the mech­a­nism of herd pop­u­la­tion recov­ery — increas­es the num­ber of new­borns. . Effect was dis­cov­ered H.S. a cou­ple of thou­sand years ago, explained — Almighty God accepts the killing of ani­mals as a gift into your account and meets the same, increas­ing the lit­ter. Devel­oped a pro­ce­dure for of use of effect — the tem­ple with steps (so clos­er to Him, sud­den­ly will not notice), the altar (do not throw the dog), eye in the sky (accept Yours faith­ful­ly). Remains of equip­ment in good con­di­tion so far dig up. Giv­en the rapid­ly matur­ing and pro­lif­ic, this deci­sion was the best — a closed feed­back group has sta­bi­lized by the num­ber of time and become immor­tal. For H.S. this is not enough — the game is very lim­it­ed staff and loss of play­er requires imme­di­ate pay­ment on pain of los­ing the game. . Giv­en the arti­fi­cial­ly pro­gram ‘Old Age’, the loss is com­pen­sat­ed pro­lon­ga­tion life remain­ing, the effect is well reflect­ed in one for­mu­la­tion of death — ordered to live long. The prob­lem is solved in four stages
    — Diag­no­sis of his own death
    — Send a mes­sage to all mem­bers of this group
    — Recep­tion of a mes­sage to each recip­i­ent
    — Run the pro­gram ‘Old Age’ in the oppo­site
    It all boils down to pure­ly tech­ni­cal prob­lems whose solu­tions are imple­ment­ed so com­mon­place that do not cause even curios­i­ty. But first a few minor con­sid­er­a­tions about the emer­gence, devel­op­ment and exploita­tion of the idea of ​​God. . Oblig­a­tory con­di­tion is famil­iar­iza­tion with the idea of pres­ence of a small ocean yacht — just so you can see fly­ing flock of pen­guins under water sur­round­ed by a friend­ly and slight­ly hun­gry flocks of killer whales. . Clear­ly per­cep­ti­ble at spher­i­cal lay­ers con­struc­tions out­side — old males, then young males — old females — young females — young. Such con­struc­tion of most appro­pri­ate­ly for sea­son­al migra­tions — the out­er lay­er bear the great­est loss, the least valu­able and will be eas­i­ly com­pen­sat­ed for the next jour­ney of the inner lay­ers. A per­ma­nent group of orcas jury has rec­og­nized orga­ni­za­tion such cruis­es opti­mal for both sides — of a dif­fer­ent kind group is eat­en away instant­ly and inter­est is not rep­re­sent­ed due to lack of. The idea to buy off the least valu­able mate­r­i­al has not bypassed HS and is reflect­ed in the instruc­tions res­cue on the water — ‘women and chil­dren pri­mar­i­ly’. Soft­ware of such behav­ior is genet­i­cal­ly laid down, depend­ing on the age of the sub­con­scious are intro­duced var­i­ous parts of the pro­gram — from the uncon­scious abil­i­ty to hide under her moth­er’s skirt to per­ceived need to go against the tank with his bare hands and a wild the hope that these in the tank will sim­ply die from laugh­ter. Pro­gram be bound per­son­al death, mean­ing­less­ness of life at all as the game where you can only lose, has put before the mind prob­lem of incom­pat­i­bil­i­ty of life and de And then the con­scious and sub­con­scious rec­og­nized the need to cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing the illu­sion of immor­tal­i­ty as a basic ele­ment of the illu­sion of mean­ing in life. Fea­ture input into con­scious­ness HS abstract con­cepts such as ‘good and the Ugly’ is the impos­si­bil­i­ty of enter­ing them just a dec­la­ra­tion — the notion to be born as a result. For this pur­pose the method of the Red Cap — cer­tain qual­i­ties are assigned to cer­tain per­sons — trust­ful Red Rid­ing Hood, a strange moth­er, brave hunters, cru­el Grey Wolf, a good grand­moth­er. All this is equiv­a­lent cos­tumes, Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood — Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood, hunters — a hat with a feath­er, grand­moth­er — a night­cap, the gray wolf — teeth with room for growth. The plot is well known, at the end of the per­for­mance the child can audi­bly tell what is good and what is bad. Illu­sion of immor­tal­i­ty, it was decid­ed to build on the same prin­ci­ple — to cre­ate a per­for­mance, where death would be rep­re­sent­ed by no more than an inter­me­di­ate fin­ish. Get acquaint­ed with the one of the more suc­cess­ful pro­duc­tions.

    Venue: earth, sky
    Char­ac­ters: God, the Son of God, God’s crit­ters.
    Sto­ry — the son of God appears in the stan­dard way on the ground, briefly describes the peo­ple about the after­life in dad­dy’s exe­cu­tion — the hor­rors of hell, pur­ga­to­ry, par­adise life ben­e­fits, acquaints inter­est­ed in the rules of the ten items falling thith­er, some of them — a per­son­al exam­ple, so that exact­ly there and falls. Intro­duced the char­ac­ters demon­strates on change­able para­me­ters of the soul, are clas­si­fied as virtues or vices — hon­esty and men­dac­i­ty and courage and cow­ardice, self­less­ness and betray­al, pre­dicts appro­pri­ate remu­ner­a­tion — hell or heav­en. Per­for­mance is per­fect­ly fan­cy-dress — from a loin­cloth, a crown of thorns and san­dals bare­foot to a fine white toga, huge white wings bare­foot on a white cloud with a harp in hands. Bril­liant musi­cal score was award­ed to sep­a­rate album exit ‘Jesus Christ — Super­star’. Con­vinc­ing actors in major and sup­port­ing roles in, was remem­bered the old man with a beard in the final act, meet­ing his son in an aper­ture of clouds. . Impres­sive­ly put the scene in the sec­ond act of heal­ing — the audi­ence are torn to the scene with their sores and drop into the orches­tra. Mem­o­rable final scene — this trudg­ing lone­ly fig­ure with a huge cross on the back (sym­bol of redemp­tion of human sins), the dark­en­ing clouds (a sym­bol of God’s wrath), dis­tant peals of thun­der of a scene (the sym­bol a hell), the ray of the sun, rests on the top of the moun­tain (the sym­bol of soul sal­va­tion ), rag­ing crowd (sym­bol unwise the flock of God. Crowned by the pic­ture fall­en from the fire grate harp (the sym­bol of the Lord the Will an unpre­dictable), and the hall sounds a hor­rif­ic inevitabil­i­ty its theme of Last Judg­ment in the per­for­mance of pipe an orches­tra mirac­u­lous­ly sur­vived the attempts to break into the spec­ta­tors scene in the sec­ond act.
    The play is over — intro­duced by file, call it reli­gion ‘G. Con­struct a sys­tem moral ori­en­ta­tions, no less real than axis of the Earth, and option­al­ly their con­ven­tion­al­i­ty does not demand spe­cial evi­dence. Small enough ocean yacht — just so you can see a fly­ing flock of pen­guins under water sur­round­ed the friend­ly and light­ly a hun­gry flocks of orcas. Clear­ly iden­ti­fied spher­i­cal lay­ers, lay­er by lay­er from inside — old males — young males are — old­er adult females — young females – Young, Con­ve­nient­ly hid­ing behind sil­ly ‚mas­querad­ing veil their blood ten­der­ly push­ing out the weak and tasty to the mas­sacre, the pack cross­es the ocean. Such an arrange­ment ide­al­ly for sea­son­al migra­tions — out­er lay­er hav­ing the great­est loss will be eas­i­ly com­pen­sat­ed from the inner lay­ers. A per­ma­nent group of orcas jury rec­og­nized an orga­ni­za­tion such cruis­es opti­mal for both sides — a dif­fer­ent kind of group is eat­en away instant­ly and inter­est is not rep­re­sent­ed due to lack of. The idea to buy off the weak­est has not bypassed HS and is reflect­ed in the instruc­tions ‘res­cue of drown­ing — the hand­i­work of drown­ing’. Soft­ware of such behav­ior is genet­i­cal­ly mort­gaged, depend­ing on age into the sub­con­scious are intro­duced var­i­ous parts of the pro­gram, rang­ing from skill cov­er her­self backs and end­ing with of Com­rade con­scious deter­mi­na­tion to save his skin at any cost. Soft­ware res­o­lu­tion of vio­lent death at any moment, the mean­ing­less­ness of life in gen­er­al, as a bar­gain­ing chip in the game ‘might is right’ unveiled the incom­pat­i­bil­i­ty issue of life and death. And then the con­scious and sub­con­scious rec­og­nized the need to cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing the illu­sion of immor­tal­i­ty as a basic ele­ment of the illu­sion of mean­ing in life. . Fea­ture input into the con­scious­ness of abstract con­cepts such as ‘good, evil’ is the impos­si­bil­i­ty of putting them just a dec­la­ra­tion — a con­cept to be born as a result, this method is used for Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood. Illu­sion of immor­tal­i­ty, it was decid­ed to con­struct on the same prin­ci­ple — to cre­ate a spec­ta­cle, where death would be rep­re­sent­ed by no more than an inter­me­di­ate fin­ish. We for­mu­late idea of ​​the play (here­inafter — ideas ‘A’), it orig­i­nat­ed as a pro­gram error ‘B’, when instead of the team ‘against a tank with bare hands’ was the team of ‘with a knife under her moth­er’s skirt. Not a lot to this it is nec­es­sary — the place on the map with a tem­per­ate cli­mate, where chil­dren one would let out on the street as sheep that with­out count­ing every evening. . But nobody ever sees con­struc­tion herds a minute of dan­ger Young out — so you can only fol­low in the ceme­tery. Only hav­ing got in process of unnat­ur­al selec­tion to high­er stages of devel­op­ment, you can afford this game and do not die in this. The idea of ​​‘A’ arose as con­comi­tant and exists as a stray to the idea of ​​‘G’, could not exist on their own occu­pied by end­less inter­nal and exter­nal con­flicts. Deprived of fresh genet­ic rev­enues stopped devel­op­ing, fix­ing this on insti­tu­tion of elders, the idea strong­ly looks like mafia god­fa­ther to the head, which in fact is. Per­fect­ly adapt­ed to sur­vive the expense of oth­ers, even the idea of their god idea bor­rowed from ‘G ‘by enter­ing sev­er­al amend­ments to the Ten Com­mand­ments, which per­form and was not going. First amend­ment — God is great, and the sec­ond — the world is divid­ed into faith­ful and unfaith­ful, and the third — two faith­ful, He and you, the fourth — incor­rect must be destroyed in order to get there into his king­dom, the fifth — errors are exclud­ed, you are only an instru­ment in his hand, the sixth-tenth — God is great. The idea of ​​“kill, until they kill you,” was sup­port­ed by the mass­es, but did not find the author. Spec­ta­cle has not been put, the file is entered mul­ti­ple (at least five times a day) declar­ing of amend­ments 1.6 — 10 ass to the sky. Any oth­er reli­gion is on the line link­ing G and A of reli­gion with its ori­gin at G, Its task — to keep the uni­ty of the flock of God on the way to indif­fer­ent what pur­pose, erase the reli­gion in the human soul is only pos­si­ble togeth­er with the soul. But the most ter­ri­ble and pre­pos­ter­ous — reli­gion at the junc­tion of A and G, when are com­bined incom­pat­i­ble genet­ic pro­grams, result — the reli­gion of “nei­ther A nor G” — a strong­ly pro­nounced piety in con­junc­tion with the com­plete lack of prin­ci­ple, par­a­sitizes the expense of nat­ur­al resources or rep­re­sen­ta­tives of G. It is curi­ous that a vio­lent con­fronta­tion A and G is mean­ing­less in prin­ci­ple –; A; will always lag behind in tech­ni­cal equip­ment, G. nev­er go to the com­plete destruc­tion of ’A’ — women and chil­dren are untouch­able by the rules. G, and guar­an­tee sur­vival for .A. — con­flict A. and. G, hav­ing begun, end­less. Dis­crep­an­cies in indi­vid­ual pro­grams demand­ed lit­tle cur­rent cor­rec­tion. Opti­mal form of such cor­rec­tions have been rec­og­nized mass wor­ship in spe­cial­ized build­ings, struc­ture which demon­strates the close­ness to Him height and sym­bols of faith on the top. Most accu­rate­ly B.‘s reli­gion as basic is shown in stan­dard ago­nal visions, sur­pris­ing­ly indif­fer­ent to offi­cial­ly pro­fessed reli­gion.
    A stan­dard sce­nario jour­ney to nowhere in three parts of.
    At a time when the activ­i­ties of the organ­ism becomes incom­pat­i­ble with life, Of body sud­den­ly stands out her immor­tal part – soul, and with dig­ni­ty, although some­what fas­tid­i­ous­ly, observes his mate­r­i­al part in an absurd posi­tion under the machine, popped up from nowhere, or under unshad­ed lamp, And these peo­ple are wear­ing gloves, sud­den­ly stopped to fuss, and a voice — “we lost him.” Whom — it? This bag of bones guts out? But it is not need­ed, and eas­i­ly wav­ing his either ears, or wings, for­ward along the tube to light. But first a lit­tle for­mal­i­ty before a long jour­ney — a look back and sud­den­ly there, in the back, a huge screen and a pri­vate life on it in great detail, and in the mid­dle of the screen sep­a­rate­ly — select­ed episodes and the best per­form­ers. Pic­ture at the sides is oblig­a­tory, con­sis­tent and uncon­trol­lable, man­age cen­tral screen — we have the right to enter any rec­ol­lec­tion. . In real­i­ty we are a video game con­sole of the mul­ti­screen, com­put­er and trans­mit­ter. Any man in the cen­ter of the screen is iden­ti­fied and receives a mes­sage about the death of the addressee, some­times indi­cat­ing the cir­cum­stances e , if the brain is dying man had time see them. None of the par­tic­i­pants aware of the fact of recep­tion and trans­mis­sion of infor­ma­tion — plays trans­mit­ter but­tons on the remote, receiv­er for a split sec­ond los­es con­scious­ness. Sen­sa­tion as if for a moment you turned off, And ter­ri­fied by the end­less black void find your­self in light with a with shak­ing hands and wild the desire to hide in a cor­ner and seize for some­one’s feet and scream­ing moth­er, moth­er!! But this excep­tion is allo­cat­ed for receiv­ing spe­cial state — sleep. Son has sev­er­al func­tions, one of them — Fil­ter­ing day mem­o­ry. In the fil­tra­tion process of mem­o­ry was acci­den­tal­ly dis­cov­ered com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem using the grav­i­ta­tion­al strings. The mes­sage is accept­ed, writ­ten down, out­put of infor­ma­tion will be effect­ed in the con­scious­ness like a dream, rem sleep only trail­ers roll off this sys­tem, well, how many peo­ple will remem­ber you, dying and lov­ing?, there­fore sleep are formed pure­ly train­ing fac­tors and are not retained in the minds of, all this for a few prophet­ic dreams that are will nev­er be for­got­ten . Readi­ness of the brain to obtain infor­ma­tion is due opti­mal in the morn­ing, that deter­mines the crit­i­cal solu­tions an organ­ism — births, deaths, and, odd­ly enough — exe­cu­tions. Still two inter­est­ing fac­tors — lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­tion speed. . Exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion speed is lim­it­ed by the vocal cords and the speed of sound in air. Speed ​​of tele­path­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion and lot more lim­it­ed by the speed of think­ing, which in prin­ci­ple is not under­stood — we observe is not think­ing but its results. Sub­con­scious is prepar­ing sev­er­al tech­ni­cal­ly equiv­a­lent options, pro­vid­ing con­scious­ness right to decide, tak­ing into account the moral fac­tors, if any. . Actu­al speed is observed in two cas­es — the crit­i­cal sit­u­a­tions, cri­sis sit­u­a­tions this makes illu­sion of time dila­tion an effort of will, and in the dream — when the plot clear­ly does not fit into the exter­nal time. To trans­mit infor­ma­tion uses a built lan­guage of the brain — non-nation­al, com­mon to all warm blood­ed mam­malian that is caused com­mon ori­gin. Exist­ing of lan­guages spo­ken only exter­nal reflec­tion of inter­nal dif­fer­ent degree of accu­ra­cy and numer­ous attempts speak only about their imper­fec­tions. So the mes­sage is accept­ed, entered the con­scious mind a prophet­ic dream, but this is option­al. Required is to run in the oppo­site direc­tion of the pro­gram ‘Old Age’, which was orga­nized of the body build­ing pro­gram method clos­ing the eyes on own mis­takes. Now it has the right to open the eyes and make major repairs an organ­ism — a mere tri­fle for her we had built almost noth­ing. Ulti­mate­ly it will add 5–7 years of life each addressee, and sum over­laps the years lost by the sender. Such is sim­ple lit­tle feed­back sys­tem is not more com­pli­cat­ed loco­mo­tive.
    Part Three — fly­ing in com­plete dark­ness to some­thing blind­ing­ly bright, but not blind­ing. . Some­times this sub­ject is made out as trav­el­ing in a tun­nel or flight in tube, ahead — desired cloudlet with harp, but first — a meet­ing with native and close the dead. They are not dead — have sim­ply left off some­where, because is no death, has a small pic­nic on the river­bank, white table­cloth on the grass, dim down to the sun through the morn­ing mist. Hi guys, I’m so bored all the time, catch up some­one on the street to look into in the face and apol­o­gize. Fine, it’s over, and we are togeth­er for­ev­er. Whence crack­ling and smell of burn­ing skin, burn­ing sen­sa­tion in the chest, face masked through a lumi­nous mist, strange words — heart launched breath­ing on their own? Lord, who allowed them to take me out of here? And how much eas­i­er to live now, know­ing all. And as far as all of this fairy tale, it is bet­ter not to know.
    A stan­dard sce­nario jour­ney to nowhere in three parts of. View out­side and from with­in.
    The moment when the activ­i­ties of the body becomes incom­pat­i­ble with life, con­scious­ness sus­pend­ed from the body, all obtained infor­ma­tion used to cre­ate a vir­tu­al real­i­ty, Intro­duced into the mind as a remote obser­va­tion of the body of the soul — his own death rather watch from the side­lines. The next pro­gram num­ber — farewell to rel­a­tives on TV, but only after the diag­no­sis’ own death. Farewell process takes time, and though even there is no obsta­cle guil­lo­tine, the diag­no­sis is advanced. This is notice­able in cas­es where the real pos­si­bil­i­ty of instan­ta­neous mechan­i­cal destruc­tion, head-on col­li­sion on a slip­pery road or swim­ming in the gale, in such cas­es, the pro­gram ignores the of for­mal­i­ty and leav­ing the con­scious­ness of body con­trol runs imme­di­ate­ly with the sec­ond act — on the back­ground sud­den­ly stopped the truck or stiff­ened of waves unfolds a huge screen on which own life, in the minut­est detail, etc. supra. Part Three — the flight to light — no more than manda­to­ry for each tale hap­py end­ing and anoth­er does not make sense. The dream of immor­tal­i­ty, as embod­ied in the idea of ​​God lead­ing off us through life like a car­rot before a don­key nose, whether from van­i­ty, whether from unsayable in life, she goes on stage in all the splen­dor of the soft­ware. To begin with — the light in the hall for a sin­gle spec­ta­tor and let it be a grass by the riv­er, dim the sun through the morn­ing mist. Add the view­ers — hi guys, I’ve always known that you are not dead, have sim­ply left some­where, and on the stage — ‘Jesus Christ — Super­star’. Admis­sion is free. The pro­gram — boat rides on the Styx, for those who want — just walks on water, skid of the cross up the hill, din­ner for thir­teen per­sons in the head remains the a strange piece of the phrase ‘thrice will indeed deliv­er not yet the cock, sim­u­la­tor ‘tread­mill’ and the old Jew on it, bare­ly mov­ing his feet, under the glass — pouch in the blood plate — ‘Thir­ty pieces of sil­ver’, a com­pli­men­ta­ry sou­venir — a crown of thorns, a life-size, near the crowd — in the open­ing clouds bare­foot old man in a white sheet, some rea­son with­out touch­ing the ground feet, hug­ging her son, behind the scenes, after numer­ous dan­gling of wings of all sizes, but one col­or, a huge screen on all wall.. Video game ‘Ask me’ instruc­tion — 1. men­tal­ly ask ques­tion. 2. Tell or say the mag­ic word ‘please’. 3. Answer on the screen. In con­trast to Part Two, demon­strat­ing only per­son­al mem­o­ries, indif­fer­ent to the game char­ac­ters and does not dis­tin­guish between past and future, time it has no. Life of any per­son can view from birth to death, the fact that he was not born yet, does not mat­ter. At this show is over, then — noth­ing, except that the defib­ril­la­tor. If the out­put of the soul from the body worked out and no doubt, that back in the direc­tor’s stag­ing copy does not exist, and although the script was first pub­lished two thou­sand years ago, the changes in him not been amend­ed, there­fore the soul sud­den­ly with­out any prepa­ra­tion, turns out his own body with a tube in his throat and breast fum­ing. Vir­tu­al real­i­ty attrac­tion embar­rass­ing­ly to the psy­che, but at dif­fer­ent soil grain will ger­mi­nate in dif­fer­ent ways — At nor­mal rise a true Chris­t­ian, wise will give birth prophet, poky spew of the false prophet. One more effect — a game num­ber two, that is includ­ed on out­strip­ping the diag­no­sis was cal­cu­lat­ed as dis­pos­able — only capa­ble of brain death to stop her. Enough to look at all, just to remem­ber once he had seen a man to a game auto­mat­i­cal­ly and uncon­trolled­ly ful­ly real­ized. Result — cor­rec­tion of the human organ­ism for the main pro­gram, received from father and moth­er. Two dozen such mem­o­ries by hun­dred forty min­utes at inter­vals of a day or two enough to bring the body back on 5–7 years ago. The result­ing use of the game has sev­er­al names — witch, heal­er, psy­chic who in fact, we have a pro­gram­ming error — it was enough to intro­duce Forced stop, and not rely on the accu­ra­cy of diag­no­sis. There are a num­ber of dis­eases — epilep­sy, heart valve defects, prostate ade­no­ma, uter­ine fibroids, melanoma, and oth­ers for which there is no oth­er treat­ments — sur­gi­cal does not count, the con­se­quences are often worse than the dis­ease itself. Access to heal­ing pro­vides only own death, but there are witch­es born — they are made by anoth­er recipe. The only way to iden­ti­fy a heal­er — check-encephalog­ra­phy fast sleep phase in a patient in advance unco­or­di­nat­ed point in time, while the dis­tance is irrel­e­vant. Sen­sa­tions of the patient in this case are sim­i­lar to the sen­sa­tions the fetus in the womb — There organ­ism builds, rebuilds here, and even him­self in the stom­ach with leg beat. All this is obvi­ous and ver­i­fi­able inter­est rep­re­sents only indif­fer­ent to dis­tance com­mu­ni­ca­tion method ‘brain — the brain’, Here for the first time over the past mil­lion years as a car­ri­er of infor­ma­tion for grav­i­ta­tion­al inter­ac­tion. In spite of num­ber of advan­tages, the method does not find appli­ca­tion in view of appar­ent short­com­ings, and if the brain is strug­gling with them by clos­ing the eyes, it is tech­ni­cal­ly impos­si­ble to orga­nize this pro­ce­dure. Explore some of the prop­er­ties of grav­i­ta­tion.
    The uni­verse as illu­sion
    Let’s define speed of dis­tri­b­u­tion of grav­i­ta­tion. The grav­i­ta­tion­al inter­ac­tion is car­ried out on a line con­nect­ing the cen­ters of mass — let it be grav­i­ta­tion­al string. What the prop­er­ties their? Move the mass of a vari­ety of grav­i­ta­tion­al strings we choose two strict­ly for­ward and back­ward through the direc­tion of motion. First com­pressed, sec­ond be stretched, are formed two zones — com­pres­sion and rar­efac­tion, and each tends to return the mass to its start­ing point. Hav­ing dis­placed mass, you need to hold it up to the moment when the waves of com­pres­sion and rar­efac­tion not dis­perse through­out the length of the string grav­i­ta­tion­al. But in an infi­nite a flat Uni­verse it does noth­ing — for any finite speed of grav­i­ty is infi­nite reten­tion time. We close the uni­verse. Com­pres­sion and rar­efac­tion waves absorb each oth­er, remained the reten­tion time — time of wave motion in a cir­cle. Sup­pose that reten­tion time zero. Then the iner­tial mass is instan­ta­neous grav­i­ta­tion­al reac­tion of a closed uni­verse. Ein­stein proved it more ele­gant. If the grav­i­ta­tion is the cur­va­ture of space, the infi­nite line is closed — mov­ing along it, we will return to the start­ing point, but back to the start­ing point pos­si­ble only in a start­ing time, dura­tion of the motion is zero — that is grav­i­ta­tion is spread out­side speed, out­side of time. New­ton’s idea, Mach’s prin­ci­ple, the proof of Ein­stein — all have long known, but some con­se­quences are lit­tle inter­est .So: Inert mass is the instan­ta­neous grav­i­ta­tion­al reac­tion of a closed uni­verse
    ‑but if space is closed, the time also closed
    — but then the uni­verse has no begin­ning and no end
    — but then the life­time of the uni­verse is zero
    — but then the uni­verse has an infi­nite set lives
    — but they are not nec­es­sar­i­ly iden­ti­cal
    — but then it at every­one the set of inter­ac­tions.
    — but then, per­haps, there exists at least one set of inter­ac­tions that clos­es the time and space at infin­i­ty — and all of this in par­al­lel, i.e. summed.
    — but then it begins a movie — if the sum of the infi­nite set vir­tu­al-lethal U. in the amount is zero plus dark mass, an infi­nite set of iden­ti­cal, vir­tu­al immortals‑V, cre­ate the illu­sion of a real U. Name­ly illu­sion — any attempt to under­stand the struc­ture of the micro­cosm gives the oppo­site effect, because on the one hand reduces the den­si­ty of the real V, and the oth­er makes vis­i­ble the process of bring­ing to zero amounts of vir­tu­al — appears inter­ac­tions that do not have any right to exist. Great idea to of know­ing the world gen­er­ates phan­toms — and what to do now? It is curi­ous that a closed space is reflect­ed the prin­ci­ple of equiv­a­lence, closed time — the uncer­tain­ty prin­ci­ple, both naked fix­a­tion — the dev­il knows why, but it is no coin­ci­dence are heavy and inert mass, and any attempt to under­stand the struc­ture of U. gen­er­ates strict­ly oppo­site result. Both obvi­ous arti­fi­cial­i­ty-than jus­ti­fied their con­tin­ued pres­ence?
    A grav­i­ta­tion­al string can be rep­re­sent­ed as a sin­gle pho­ton after cir­cum­ci­sion fourth coor­di­nate — time, lon­gi­tu­di­nal wave, launched on this line goes both ways in time and in terms of the HS is a time­less non­volatile of data stor­age device. Every day is com­plete­ly writ­ten in short-term mem­o­ry and almost no dif­fer­ent from the pre­vi­ous one, but why should upload mem­o­ry copies? More eco­nom­i­cal to take the aver­aged on days option and then write only day dif­fer­ence film demag­ne­tize for repeat­ed use. . The ven­ture was a suc­cess par­tial­ly — the era­sure process some rea­son led to rewrite infor­ma­tion on the grav­i­ta­tion­al string, and this bas­ket of garbage proved to be bot­tom­less, non­volatile and always with you. Brain unex­pect­ed for itself released from respon­si­bil­i­ties the store­keep­er in a land­fill, leav­ing him­self a card file on all of the infor­ma­tion sys­tem find the desired strings, to make copies of and issu­ing it in the con­scious­ness. Sharply grew capa­bil­i­ties of the brain — was made pos­si­ble final­ly to invent name the ani­mals, to raise his eyes — and to see the stars, to group them into con­stel­la­tions and give the names of ani­mals ascribe born under the con­stel­la­tion prop­er­ties ani­mal in the title and send it to every­one on the Inter­net cal­cu­lat­ed on com­put­er horo­scope — no ani­mal is comes to sim­i­lar idio­cy. In the oper­a­tion of the exter­nal mem­o­ry has sur­faced side effect — bilat­er­al use of sin­gle strings, in the future on the effect was estab­lished com­mu­ni­ca­tion ‘brain-brain’, but first brain threw a tantrum — in mem­o­ry unex­pect­ed­ly appeared infor­ma­tion that was not appear in the card index. When mal­func­tions card files on per­son­al, and a dual lines into con­scious­ness appear the time­less infor­ma­tion — per­son­al script of death in all the details and the exact date, seen in a dream — yet the most ter­ri­ble. Every per­son after switch­ing the exter­nal mem­o­ry wears in itself all the infor­ma­tion obtained in the future, togeth­er with the illu­sion its grad­ual accu­mu­la­tion — that is the fear of being. Illu­sion rests only on extreme­ly pre­cise work card file, block­ing entry into con­scious­ness the unreg­is­tered infor­ma­tion. Fail­ure of this sys­tem makes the brain indif­fer­ent to the sources — now any string is con­sid­ered as a per­son­al [for cap­tur­ing the string nec­es­sary look into the eyes] and pos­si­ble to log in into some­one else’s brain and in a qui­et voice — ‘What are you going next? Cause of death? – from such life and die, if you will ask stu­pid ques­tions. ‘The prob­lem of clair­voy­ance is that the infor­ma­tion impos­si­ble to use — all attempts to change the course of events already includ­ed in the course of events, and there­fore mean­ing­less. Had explored three ways to solve prob­lems
    — method of clos­ing at her eyes
    — self-destruc­tion [a mas­sive break­through a time­less for­ma­tion pro­voked the depres­sion and sui­cide]
    — pre­dic­tors to the stake with the orig­i­nal moti­va­tion — unde­sir­able events are spe­cial­ly made
    Approved by all — and long live the dream of uni­ver­sal edu­ca­tion of the pop­u­la­tion of telepa­thy!
    Knowl­edge of future cre­ates the illu­sion of pre­des­ti­na­tion and mean­ing­less­ness of life, will deprives kills the soul, mak­ing cre­ation of God in a trem­bling crea­ture. Bil­lions trans­ceivers mod­el HS with the dream of com­mu­ni­cat­ing out­side of space and time — what a cru­el joke on the part of the Cre­ator.
    Thus grand­moth­er and U. are cre­at­ed strike­outs inter­me­di­ate results is cre­at­ed the false impres­sion that both – nowhere. There is an unhealthy desire to dump their appear­ance on the Glob­al Mind, aliens or God. Lead­ing idea of ​​God, now called the Big Bang.
    Divine ori­gin of the soul
    For the evo­lu­tion of life enough pud­dles of water for of devel­op­ment — the ocean and palm trees on the shore, but why should this fan­tas­tic brain redun­dan­cy mod­el H. S.? — to sit on a palm tree and to eat bananas mind and con­science are not need­ed. Exis­tence in the medi­um earth — water — air gave grow­ing vol­ume vital infor­ma­tion with lim­it­ed mem­o­ry and what to do? Brain has estab­lished the archiv­er. It turned out that the com­pres­sion of vast amounts of infor­ma­tion brings out basic laws of nature. Then the archiv­er found chains of events in heav­en and on the ground — move­ment of the sun, the Moon stars, eclipses, sea­sons, floods, and took advan­tage of it. Some­times suc­cess­ful­ly. It remains to remove the processed infor­ma­tion and unex­pect­ed­ly era­sure process found to be reversible. Brain has built on this exter­nal mem­o­ry, copied there all is that could. The vacat­ed place was tak­en the archiv­er. It became clear that such a mem­o­ry the archiv­er does not need. Hav­ing remained out of work, the archiv­er sud­den­ly change their actions on the reverse — pieces of what was once was some­thing, began to col­lect some­thing that has nev­er been — has shift­ed from sci­ence to art, start­ed to com­pose. Some­times suc­cess­ful­ly. Enor­mous range of ‘art‘ deter­mined pre­cise­ly its aim­less­ness. The strange alliance of daffy archiv­er and bound­less mem­o­ry spawned ratio­nal soul. You can cre­ate mul­ti­ple of plan­ets with per­fect cli­mate around the yel­low star, pop­u­late every crea­ture on the pair and after mil­lions of years to dis­cov­er at best the beau­ti­ful land­scape. . Mind — play of chance, should fall out four con­sec­u­tive cards
    — Instal­la­tion archiv­er
    — Exter­nal mem­o­ry as acci­den­tal find
    — All on an exter­nal stor­age device
    — Archiv­er with reverse log­ic to free space
    And a lit­tle place for the soul.
    Like­li­hood of this com­bi­na­tion is so tiny that unde­ni­ably divine ori­gin of the soul.
    Now we have enough puz­zles to com­bine pic­ture ‘Grand­ma Wan­ga pre­dicts doom sub­ma­rine “Kursk” eight years before the maid­en voy­age’. Pic­ture eas­i­ly assem­bled from four frag­ments
    — Com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tem on the grav­i­ta­tion­al strings a side effect of exter­nal mem­o­ry
    — blocked card index not dis­tin­guish­ing his and oth­ers
    — Habit women to dig into some­one else’s linen
    — Closed uni­verse.
    A psy­chic heal­er
    — Feed­back sys­tem with­in the species HS in order to sta­bi­lize com­po­si­tion
    — Per­ma­nent access to heal­ing by diag­no­sis ‘own death’
    — Avail­abil­i­ty a brain in his head, the game is not obvi­ous, admis­sion due to mas­sive resus­ci­ta­tion receive thou­sands, units used, it does not hav­ing
    — Closed uni­verse.
    — com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem on the grav­i­ta­tion­al strings a side effect of exter­nal mem­o­ry
    — sided a blocked card file
    — Infor­ma­tion goes in par­al­lel with the time syn­chro­niza­tion that to avoid the time­less infor­ma­tion
    — Closed uni­verse.
    Par­tic­i­pa­tion in one pic­ture does not guar­an­tee par­tic­i­pa­tion in the oth­er. Each access is tragedy and the occa­sion most of con­do­lence — pres­sure of side effects aside mad­house not dec­o­rate life. Attempts to cre­ate an unten­able sit­u­a­tion and to pro­voke access can lead to unpre­dictable con­se­quences and is not rec­om­mend­ed.
    The mas­sive use of bril­liant­ly secre­tive sys­tem of absolute ties with­in each instance of HS can only be regard­ed as an open mock­ery of com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems, invent­ed by HS. Exter­nal­ly he has only a devel­op­ment of the ideas of fire and drum — spray­ing mod­u­lat­ed ener­gy in the hope that one of the recip­i­ents will be the only one to whom it is intend­ed, assured effect — heat­ing of the Uni­verse. Now you can assem­ble kit of absolute com­mu­ni­ca­tions exter­nal use — with­in the Earth in this par­tic­u­lar need does not exist, although maybe be, there are fans com­mu­ni­cate through ball. The only prob­lem — access to time­less infor­ma­tion is solved syn­chro­niza­tion unit and a ban on the inter­ven­tion up to self-destruct with the user. As every­one the boy hav­ing seen fem­i­nine panties dreams of elas­tic band for a sling­shot, so of course some­one be inter­est­ed how to aim and push that to the sur­vivors do not want to com­pare in the future force. As every­one the boy hav­ing seen fem­i­nine panties dreams of elas­tic band for a sling­shot, so of course some­one be inter­est­ed how to aim and push that to the sur­vivors do not want to com­pare in the future force. We rec­om­mend an absolute psy­cho­log­i­cal weapon — To do this com­mu­ni­ca­tion unit being upgrad­ed by pulling out of syn­chro­niza­tion with the replace­ment unit to unit set­ting arbi­trary time and con­nect s to the Inter­net. Now you can con­duct a dia­logue with itself across time — to begin with drop in fifty years ahead and ask for video infor­ma­tion of the death of the main rivals. Noth­ing pleas­es in life as a spec­ta­cle own funer­al, even the sight of his beloved wife, in her wed­ding dress, com­ing out of church hand in hand with some man. But the emer­gence of a qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion will inter­est not only the deceased, in the chain of man­u­fac­tur­ers will be found a weak link and pol­i­cy respons­es will be no less pleas­ant. This will sim­pli­fy the pro­ce­dure for issu­ing doc­u­ments — birth cer­tifi­cate, school cer­tifi­cate, diplo­ma insti­tute the death cer­tifi­cate and place in the ceme­tery will give out simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. But is it worth con­trive exchange such of cour­te­sies only because at some­one fem­i­nine panties induce an unhealthy reac­tion?
    Attempt to col­lect med­ical and diag­nos­tic sys­tem also fails. For pur­pose­ful and observed treat­ment heal­er brain and the brain of the patient orga­nize the exchange of infor­ma­tion, to sim­u­late this process it is impos­si­ble even the­o­ret­i­cal­ly.
    An inter­est­ing appli­ca­tion would be com­mu­ni­ca­tion with oth­er civ­i­liza­tions — we are only one of the options intel­lec­tu­al mat­ter, but just as a tribe in the jun­gle rep­re­sents only ethno­graph­ic inter­est — songs, dance sand cus­toms and our civ­i­liza­tion is no more than an occa­sion to com­pare. Attempt to slip with help of oth­ers stage of devel­op­ment pro­duces the oppo­site result, then still have walk this path alone, con­tact start with songs, dances and hopes for the crumbs from some­one else’s table. Else our smart kids two hun­dred years through inter­cept the com­mu­ni­ca­tion lines and start to the game with us — as not to dis­grace in front of extra­ne­ous civ­i­liza­tion that exit to large dri­ve­way with space poster ‘Give some­thing! ‘. And we will phi­los­o­phize under a cap, con­fi­dent in own Uni­ver­sal impor­tance, remem­ber­ing as every­thing began with a par­rot on the mar­ket, pulling from the pol­ished box accu­rate­ly cut small squares with des­tiny.
    Abridged ver­sion
    How lit­tle it takes to get a feel like a giant — just go out to the pier, reset into the water ends of the yacht and push her, real­iz­ing that not rusty a ves­sel and creak­ing pier — push apart Uni­verse. The uni­verse is infi­nite, but only because the ends are closed and there is no speed to serve its grav­i­ty, and it is not nec­es­sary — for the uni­verse with­out end — inter­ac­tion with­out speed. Take a a vir­tu­al pho­ton minus the time — as a result of grav­i­ta­tion­al string with­out any notions of time and space, it is the per­fect toy for the occa­sion. Infor­ma­tion in any form is pri­mar­i­ly a free par­cel in time, any long-range — the trans­mis­sion of infor­ma­tion, the grav­i­ta­tion­al string is no excep­tion. Brain grabbed it, and the first thing he did — parcels to myself, has turned non­volatile exter­nal mem­o­ry. Focus has long been known — using all the received infor­ma­tion, the brain is not able to con­tain it, and he does not con­tain, hand­ing it in to the time­less stor­age. But grav­i­ta­tion­al string attached two points, but then the sec­ond point is also some­one’s brain? Then your mem­o­ry gets a co-own­er and not nec­es­sar­i­ly that HS and it is not always tact­ful. There­fore, if favorite dog sees off you on a cou­ple of fill­ings to the den­tist in a low strange howl from whom ran­dom passers auto­mat­i­cal­ly remove hats, and in the sky sud­den­ly start to soar vul­tures can rest easy — after­wards anes­the­sia mouth will close with eyes.
    Avail­abil­i­ty a co-own­er cre­ates anoth­er inter­est­ing effect — the absolute con­nec­tion between them. The min­i­mum dis­tance at which the con­nec­tion starts work­ing — cir­cum­fer­ence of the uni­verse and the death of one of the own­ers is no rea­son to stop it. Us stayed sheer non­sense — do the same exter­nal use, too every­thing just if evo­lu­tion found it pos­si­ble to embed it in every warm-blood­ed. But why so strange com­bi­na­tion of absolute com­mu­ni­ca­tion and the fine con­spir­a­cy, what hor­ror is behind a free access to time­less infor­ma­tion if refusal of it became opti­mum option? Here a prob­lem with­out a solu­tion.

  • johnny says:

    Hey Dik, This is way too long for a com­ment. Read the room.

  • johnny says:

    Hey Dik, This is way too long for a com­ment. Read the room.

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