From Cyrus Patell, proÂfesÂsor EngÂlish at NYU, comes AmerÂiÂcan LitÂerÂaÂture, From the BeginÂnings to the CivÂil War. The 26 lecÂture course is availÂable on YouTube (all streamÂable above). Among othÂer things, the course covÂers HerÂman Melville’s Moby Dick, TranÂscenÂdenÂtalÂism, AmerÂiÂcan GothÂic, Hawthorne and more.
The course descripÂtion reads as folÂlows:
This course is a surÂvey of AmerÂiÂcan litÂerÂaÂture and litÂerÂary hisÂtoÂry, from the earÂly coloÂnial periÂod to the eve of the CivÂil War. Our goal will be to acquire a grasp of the canon of AmerÂiÂcan litÂerÂaÂture as it is typÂiÂcalÂly conÂceived and the varÂiÂous logÂics behind its conÂstrucÂtion. TopÂics to be conÂsidÂered include: the rise of “litÂerÂaÂture” as a disÂciÂpline unto itself; the meanÂing of AmerÂiÂcan indiÂvidÂuÂalÂism; the conÂflict between libÂerÂty and equalÂiÂty in AmerÂiÂcan social thought; the mytholÂoÂgy of AmerÂiÂcan excepÂtionÂalÂism; the relaÂtion between hisÂtoÂry and culÂturÂal mytholÂoÂgy; the dialecÂtic of freeÂdom and slavÂery in AmerÂiÂcan rhetoric; the AmerÂiÂcan obsesÂsion with race; the ideÂolÂoÂgy of domesÂticÂiÂty and its link to the senÂtiÂmenÂtal; the aesÂthetÂics of AmerÂiÂcan romance; the role of biogÂraÂphy in litÂerÂary critÂiÂcism and hisÂtoÂriÂogÂraÂphy; the nature of the “AmerÂiÂcan RenaisÂsance”; what it means to say “NO in thunÂder!” and why so many AmerÂiÂcan writÂers seem to say it; delibÂerÂaÂtive democÂraÂcy and cosÂmopoliÂtanism.
AmerÂiÂcan LitÂerÂaÂture, From the BeginÂnings to the CivÂil War has been added to our list of Free Online LitÂerÂaÂture CoursÂes, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Hear Moby Dick Read in Its EntireÂty by TilÂda SwinÂton, Stephen Fry, John Waters & OthÂers
An IllusÂtraÂtion of Every Page of HerÂman Melville’s Moby Dick
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