Open CulÂture is lookÂing for a freeÂlance writer to covÂer all things culÂturÂal and help bring more intelÂliÂgent media to our globÂal audiÂence. Here is an overview of what we have in mind.
- The writer will conÂtribute 3–5 posts per week on a very reliÂable schedÂule and will receive comÂpenÂsaÂtion for each post. Days will be mutuÂalÂly agreed upon in advance.
- The posts should be writÂten in a clear, conÂcise and engagÂing way. And the copy must be clean, and the facts, checked.
- The canÂdiÂdate should have a lot of culÂturÂal depth/range, strong writÂing skills, ideÂalÂly a track record writÂing online, and a good underÂstandÂing of what our misÂsion is all about. HopeÂfulÂly you’re already a fan of the site.
- PickÂing topÂics that mesh with our site is realÂly imporÂtant. Please read the tips on this page.
In terms of next steps, it would be great if you could please subÂmit the folÂlowÂing (and put “CulÂture Writer” in the headÂer) by FriÂday May 18th:
1) A short paraÂgraph about your backÂground and interÂests and how they align with Open CulÂture’s misÂsion.
2) A writÂing samÂple and preferÂably links to samÂple pieces online.
3) A list of three samÂple ideas/topics that you would covÂer in your posts, with a brief descripÂtion explainÂing why. Before you get startÂed you might want to refer to the tips on this page.
This will help us get oriÂentÂed, and we will folÂlow up with a phone call if things feel on tarÂget.
Thanks for your interÂest, and please let me know if you have any quesÂtions.
We’re hopÂing to rely on our loyÂal readÂers rather than erratÂic ads. To supÂport Open CulÂture’s eduÂcaÂtionÂal misÂsion, please conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion. We accept PayÂPal, VenÂmo (@openculture), PatreÂon and CrypÂto! Please find all options here. We thank you!