65 MOOCs/Certificate Courses Getting Started in January

Jan­u­ary — it’s a time for New Year’s res­o­lu­tions and for uni­ver­si­ty cours­es to get start­ed again. It’s hap­pen­ing on cam­pus­es. And it’s hap­pen­ing online. Right now, the biggest batch of MOOCs (Mas­sive Open Online Cours­es) are get­ting under­way: 65 cours­es in total, across sev­en dif­fer­ent online plat­forms. Below, we’ve high­light­ed a sam­pling of cours­es, but you can scan through the com­plete list of Jan­u­ary cours­es right here, and keep tabs on all future MOOCs here. Please keep in mind that many MOOCs offer “Cer­tifi­cates” or “State­ments of Accom­plish­ment.” The key on this page indi­cates the kind of cre­den­tial offered by each course. It goes with­out say­ing that these cours­es are free. The video above intro­duces the course The Mod­ern World: Glob­al His­to­ry Since 1760.

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