“This award-winÂning, nine unit course (The NeuÂronal Basis of ConÂsciousÂness), taught in the spring of each year at CalÂtech, is conÂcerned with the corÂreÂlates of conÂsciousÂness in the brain. The course focusÂes on the anatoÂmy, physÂiÂolÂoÂgy and psyÂcholÂoÂgy of senÂsoÂry conÂsciousÂness in the mamÂmalian brain, in parÂticÂuÂlar visuÂal perÂcepÂtion. OthÂer topÂics include coma and othÂer disÂturÂbances of conÂsciousÂness, clinÂiÂcal case studÂies (e.g., prosopagÂnosia, neglect), attenÂtion, memÂoÂry, zomÂbie sysÂtems, free will and some philoÂsophÂiÂcal quesÂtions of interÂest to the stuÂdent of conÂsciousÂness.
With the help of Leila RedÂdy, a gradÂuÂate stuÂdent in the Koch labÂoÂraÂtoÂry, and Leslie MaxÂfield and her team from AcaÂdÂeÂmÂic Media TechÂnoloÂgies at CalÂtech, these lecÂtures have been filmed, editÂed and put online.
They are orgaÂnized into 16 lecÂtures, each about one hour. They folÂlow the textÂbook by the lecÂturÂer, Christof Koch (with much help from his close colÂleague and menÂtor, FranÂcis Crick), “The Quest for ConÂsciousÂness — A NeuÂroÂbiÂoÂlogÂiÂcal Approach.” See each video’s “About” text for the lecÂture’s corÂreÂspondÂing chapÂter or chapÂters.”
You can watch the videos all above, or on Youtube via this playlist.
The NeuÂronal Basis of ConÂsciousÂness will be added to our list of Free NeuÂroÂscience & PsyÂcholÂoÂgy coursÂes, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion.
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