From Jeff Grosso comes The Tony Alva StoÂry, a 2019 docÂuÂmenÂtary about the legÂendary skateÂboardÂer:
One of the key figÂures in the earÂly evoÂluÂtion of skateÂboardÂing from a wholeÂsome, conÂtest based “sport” into the freeÂwheelÂing art form that it is today was Tony Alva.
Tony is now 63 years old, the oldÂest proÂfesÂsionÂal skateÂboardÂer in the world, is conÂsidÂered by many to be the godÂfaÂther of modÂern day skateÂboardÂing. Alva’s brand of aggresÂsion and bravaÂdo in the 70’s set the stage for the way skateÂboardÂing would be forÂevÂer defined.
Vans’ The Tony Alva StoÂry chronÂiÂcles T.A.’s humÂble beginÂnings on the streets of SanÂta MonÂiÂca to his rise to superÂstarÂdom as part of the legÂendary Z‑Boys, his inevitable drug-induced imploÂsion and his ultiÂmate rise from the ashÂes to accept his rightÂful place as a beaÂcon of hope and inspiÂraÂtion for genÂerÂaÂtions of skateÂboardÂers the world over.
You can find The Tony Alva StoÂry added to our colÂlecÂtion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
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