From MIT’s Julian Beinart comes “TheÂoÂry of City Form,” which covÂers the folÂlowÂing:
This course covÂers theÂoÂries about the form that setÂtleÂments should take and attempts a disÂtincÂtion between descripÂtive and norÂmaÂtive theÂoÂry by examÂinÂing examÂples of varÂiÂous theÂoÂries of city form over time. Case studÂies will highÂlight the oriÂgins of the modÂern city and theÂoÂries about its emergÂing form, includÂing the transÂforÂmaÂtion of the nineÂteenth-cenÂtuÂry city and its orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. Through examÂples and hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext, curÂrent issues of city form in relaÂtion to city-makÂing, social strucÂture, and physÂiÂcal design will also be disÂcussed and anaÂlyzed.
Over at MIT’s webÂsite, you can find a sylÂlabus for the course, along with lecÂture notes and readÂings. The video lectures–26 in total–can be viewed above, or on YouTube.
“TheÂoÂry of City Form” will be perÂmaÂnentÂly housed in our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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