Watch Four Horsemen Online

Direct­ed by Ross Ashcroft, Four Horse­men “crit­i­cis­es the sys­tem of frac­tion­al reserve bank­ing, debt-based econ­o­my and polit­i­cal lob­by­ing by banks, which it regards as a seri­ous threat to West­ern civil­i­sa­tion. It crit­i­cis­es the War on Ter­ror, which it main­tains is not fought to elim­i­nate al-Qae­da and oth­er mil­i­tant orga­ni­za­tions, but to cre­ate larg­er debt to the banks. As an alter­na­tive, the film pro­motes a return to clas­si­cal eco­nom­ics and the gold stan­dard. Among those inter­viewed are Joseph Stiglitz, for­mer chief econ­o­mist at the World Bank; Noam Chom­sky, lin­guis­tics pro­fes­sor; John Perkins, author of Con­fes­sions of an Eco­nom­ic Hit Man; eco­log­i­cal econ­o­mist and steady-state the­o­rist Her­man Daly, for­mer­ly at the World Bank; and Max Keis­er, TV host and for­mer trad­er. The film was released in the Unit­ed King­dom on 14 March 2012. A book based on the film has been pub­lished.”

The film be added to our col­lec­tion of Doc­u­men­taries, a sub­set of our col­lec­tion 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More.

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