Last night marked the beginÂning of the final seaÂson of BreakÂing Bad, the AMC teleÂviÂsion series that chronÂiÂcles the life and times of WalÂter White, the chemÂistry teacher-turned-meth kingÂpin. To get in the spirÂit of things, Andrew Huang decidÂed to record the BreakÂing Bad theme song with a guiÂtar and some meth lab equipÂment. On his YouTube page he writes:
I don’t know anyÂthing about makÂing meth but a litÂtle Googling let me know that if you come across a meth lab you might find, among othÂer things:
- propane cylinÂders
— rubÂber tubÂing
— paper towÂels
— cofÂfee filÂters
— labÂoÂraÂtoÂry beakers
— meaÂsurÂing cups
— buckÂets
— plasÂtic botÂtles
— fryÂing pansOthÂer than the guiÂtar, all of the sounds in this piece were proÂduced using the items above, with minÂiÂmal effects and some speed adjustÂments to change pitchÂes.
via Devour
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch the OrigÂiÂnal AudiÂtion Tapes for BreakÂing Bad Before the Final SeaÂson Debuts
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