Google Presents the Classics (for Free)

There’s more to Google Book Search than a good law­suit.
These days, they’re serv­ing up the clas­sics — all in the pub­lic domain
— for free. Lit­er­ary folks can now read and search the com­plete
col­lec­tion of Shake­speare’s works. And, in some cas­es, you can even
down­load PDF ver­sions to your com­put­er. (Check out Explor­ing Shake­speare with Google.) Beyond the Bard, you can also get The Ili­ad and The Odyssey, from the orig­i­nal bard, Homer. A lit­tle Dan­te’s Infer­no in Ital­ian, plus Machi­avel­li’s The Prince in trans­la­tion. And Jane Austen’s Pride and Prej­u­dice. I think you get the pic­ture. If it’s old and clas­sic, you can nab it at Google Book Search.


  • Google’s Scary Sto­ries — For Hal­loween, Google put togeth­er a nice page where you can read or down­load some spooky clas­sics on the cheap. Here, you’ll find Bram Stok­er’s Drac­u­la, Hen­ry Jame’s Turn of the Screw, Robert Louis Steven­son’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide, and more. For more info, see Google’s Blog entry.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.