Yale Takes the Podcast Plunge

Image by Pradip­ta Mitra, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

Yale announced yes­ter­day that it’s join­ing the pod­cast rev­o­lu­tion, and they’re doing it with a lit­tle bit of ooomph. (Click here to enter Yale’s col­lec­tion.) What you’ll find on Yale iTunes are free lec­tures by Yale’s big hit­ters. You’ll find Vin­cent Scul­ly talk­ing about Philip John­son’s archi­tec­ture, John Gad­dis giv­ing us his spiel on the future of the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion, Made­line Albright prais­ing the virtues of pub­lic ser­vice, and Tian Xu giv­ing us the low­down on the state of the human genome. As a part­ing thought, I guess this means that Har­vard should be launch­ing some­thing some time soon. Days? weeks? months? It’s only a mat­ter of time. We’ll keep an eye on it. In the mean­time, load Yale’s finest on to your iPod and pros­per.

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  • M. Sandula says:

    Putting any­thing on Itunes U is like bury­ing it. I must be the dumb­est jerk on the plan­et so I can­not fig­ure out how to down­load Yale’s Intro to the New Tes­ta­ment from Itunes. It is sad because Yale’s site was designed for ease of use but was VERY poor­ly imple­ment­ed. It has ter­ri­ble flaws and numer­ous omis­sions– but Itunes is a poor sub­sti­tute. Its so called help is ridicu­lous.

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