As we’ll menÂtion in an upcomÂing piece, EuroÂpean lanÂguages domÂiÂnate the list of most popÂuÂlar eduÂcaÂtionÂal podÂcasts. So we thought that we’d highÂlight the key podÂcasts that will teach you the major EuroÂpean lanÂguages — SpanÂish, French, ItalÂian and GerÂman. MeanÂwhile, if you want to learn EngÂlish online, please see our piece below. Bonne chance.
For our comÂplete colÂlecÂtion, see How to Learn LanÂguages for Free: SpanÂish, EngÂlish, ChiÂnese & Beyond.
- French for BeginÂners iTunes Feed Web Site
- Fun, effecÂtive lessons for beginÂners. ProÂvidÂed by the French Ecole.
- Le JourÂnal en français facile iTunes Feed Web Site
- NightÂly news from RFI preÂsentÂed in slowÂly spoÂken French to assist you with your comÂpreÂhenÂsion.
- Learn French by PodÂcast iTunes Feed Web Site
- A well-reviewed series of lessons for beginÂners and those who want to brush up on their French.
- Learn French with DaiÂly PodÂcasts iTunes Feed Web Site
- These lessons are brought to you by French teachÂers from Paris. They are best suitÂed for those who already have some beginÂning French under their belts.
- The French Pod Class iTunes Feed Web Site
- A very popÂuÂlar colÂlecÂtion that teachÂes stuÂdents the French lanÂguage and difÂferÂent facets of French culÂture.
- The VerÂbÂcast — French Verbs by RelaxÂation iTunes Feed Web Site
- A four-week series of lessons that will allow you to refine your knowlÂedge of French verbs.
- Deutsch — warum nicht?
- SlowÂly SpoÂken News iTunes Feed
- Deutsche Welle proÂvides a nightÂly news broadÂcast in GerÂman that’s spoÂken slowÂly so that you can work on your comÂpreÂhenÂsion.
- GerGÂerÂmanÂGramÂmar iTunes Feed Web Site
- GerÂman gramÂmar lessons aimed at AmerÂiÂcan stuÂdents.
- LerÂnen Wir Deutsch iTunes Feed Web Site
- PreÂsentÂed in video, these “vodÂcasts” get high marks for being not only eduÂcaÂtionÂal but also very enterÂtainÂing.
- iTunes Feed Web Site
- Learn GerÂman phrase by phrase over a course of 20 weeks. The podÂcasts will covÂer all the lanÂguage you need to know to get by on a visÂit to a GerÂman-speakÂing counÂtry. This series is put togethÂer by the same peoÂple creÂatÂed the popÂuÂlar series “CofÂfee Break SpanÂish.”
- iTunes Feed Web Site
- A series of ItalÂian lanÂguage lessons that will get you up and runÂning. I have perÂsonÂalÂly used them and found them effecÂtive.
- Let’s Speak ItalÂian iTunes Feed Web Site
- This colÂlecÂtion will help you learn ItalÂian in small, manÂageÂable 5‑minute bites.
- iTunes Web Site
- Learn ItalÂian step by step over a course of 20 weeks. The podÂcasts will covÂer all the lanÂguage you need to know to get by on a visÂit to a ItalÂian-speakÂing counÂtry. CreÂatÂed by the same peoÂple who put togethÂer the popÂuÂlar series “CofÂfee Break SpanÂish.”
- World LanÂguages PodÂcastÂing — ItalÂian PodÂcast iTunes Feed Web Site
- It’s admitÂtedÂly a bit of an untraÂdiÂtionÂal way to learn ItalÂian. This podÂcast lets you lisÂten to conÂverÂsaÂtions about AusÂtralian culÂture in ItalÂian.
- CofÂfee Break SpanÂish iTunes Feed Web Site
- Learn SpanÂish in a low-key, effecÂtive way. CurÂrentÂly the #2 overÂall favorite in iTunes’ podÂcast colÂlecÂtion. They must be loaded on iPods everyÂwhere.
- FinalÂly Learn SpanÂish — Beyond the Basics iTunes Feed Web Site
- If you’ve had some SpanÂish classÂes and you need expeÂriÂence lisÂtenÂing to and speakÂing the lanÂguage, then FinalÂly Learn SpanÂish has a colÂlecÂtion of podÂcasts for you.
- Insta SpanÂish Lessons iTunes Feed Web Site
- WeekÂly comÂpreÂhenÂsion and gramÂmar exerÂcisÂes for stuÂdents of all levÂels. One of the more popÂuÂlar podÂcasts on iTunes.
- Learn SpanÂish SurÂvival Guide iTunes Feed
- If you’re planÂning a trip to a SpanÂish speakÂing counÂtry, and if you don’t know the lanÂguÂgage, this will help get you up to speed.
Hi there
tryÂing to start a learn irish podÂcast for those who are interÂestÂed can be found over at
If you are interÂestÂed in learnÂing JapanÂese check this out
Also, we have put all our podÂcasts in one easy place to lisÂten to and downÂload.
You should try the best podÂcast to learn engÂlish:
EngÂlish as a SecÂond LanÂguage PodÂcast
is there anyÂthing for welsh? i’d be very grateÂful if anyÂone was to find one!
Learn French guide, all about how to learn french and how to speak french.
mmmm I been on
and its pretÂty good, I am learnÂing Dutch.
and I think I am getÂting the hang of it.
try it and conÂtact me ‑chickÂenÂsoup-
There are a whole range of lanÂguage podÂcasts in addiÂtion to the ones menÂtioned, which can be found on or withÂin the podÂcast eduÂcaÂtion secÂtion of iTunes.LearnItalianPod is not bad — bit more variÂaÂtion in levÂels would be great. For SpanÂish, I use, which has seemed to grow extremeÂly fast since it began a few months ago. For GerÂman and French, I do not use anyÂthing, but if I did the first place I would go would be iTunes.
Hi good team, i need you help what happed its that my wife she speak French and the fact its that i want her to learn SpanÂish, but i don’t know were to find a French podÂcats to learn SpanÂish. Am SpanÂish and right know we are in ColomÂbia in a island Name San Andres, its realÂly cute we speak creÂole EngÂlish but at the same time the lanÂguage of ColomÂbia SpanÂish.
Can any one help me, he***********@gm***.com please help me.
Hey! Nice blog
Your blog is very helpÂful for those who wanÂna learn difÂferÂent types of lanÂguages. Links are great and interÂestÂing.
[…] 20 PodÂcasts That Will Teach You SpanÂish, French, ItalÂian and GerÂman | Open CulÂture (tags: Spanish/pod French/pod Italian/pod German/pod) […]
i realÂly like to study italia, but i have not still got any lesÂson in my email; please help me !
thanks so much !
i still don’t know how to speak french and i am going to a place it speaks french tomorÂrow and if guys can help me please I’m begÂging you just teach how for free and i will try not to bug you guys again so please will you help me and i don’t want look stuÂpid there at all so just help me and i will try to find anothÂer webÂsite that can help me
oh if anyÂone needs help with any othÂer lanÂguage i can help you
well since no is talkÂing to me back i well just leave well than goodÂbye forÂevÂer (cryÂing)
i still don’t know how to speak french and i am going to a place it speaks french tomorÂrow and if guys can help me please I’m (begÂging) you just teach how for free and i will try not to bug you guys again so please will you help me and i don’t want look stuÂpid there at all so just help me and i will try to find anothÂer webÂsite that can help me
[…] but I find them much more interÂestÂing and pracÂtiÂcal than lesÂson style podÂcasts. Here’s a resource with links for SpanÂish, French, GerÂman and ItalÂian and […]
nice site…such a great help for those who wants to learn this lanÂguages because you give speÂcifÂic lanÂguages to be learn in this site :) you should try .…
I am lookÂing for the best way on how to learn the
SpanÂish lanÂguage. I do hope so that this podÂcasts could help a lot in my
probÂlem. I will have the time to use this soon.
I just did a huge post on how to choose the ItalÂian lanÂguage proÂgram that’s best for you. If you’ve got time, check it out.
Also, the travÂel insurÂance comÂpaÂny World Nomads has free lanÂguage coursÂes for your ipod. They are basic but pretÂty good if you want to learn travÂel phrasÂes. SorÂry, don’t have a link.….just Google it!
It is so great to see so many peoÂple teachÂing lanÂguages these days! I wouldÂn’t know what I would do withÂout peoÂple like you I realÂly wouldÂn’t. I’m curÂrentÂly using to try and teach my litÂtle girl French, so far so good!
Hi, conÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions for a very useÂful and interÂestÂing colÂlecÂtion of podÂcasts. For ItalÂian, I would sugÂgest you also add ItalÂiano ON-Air, a comÂpleteÂly free ItalÂian podÂcast useÂful for learnÂing or pracÂticÂing the ItalÂian lanÂguage.
Every week we pubÂlish a new episode that talks about Italy and the ItalÂian lanÂguage, dealÂing with curÂrent topÂics, or events, or sports or playÂing on idioms. You can find the site with links to the varÂiÂous podÂcast serÂvices here: