In the comÂings days, we plan to launch a new list of great culÂture blogs, ones that take a fresh look at books, movies, films, the humanÂiÂties, and more. There is obviÂousÂly a wide uniÂverse of blogs out there, and it’s a givÂen that we’ll miss some good ones. So we wantÂed to ask you: What culÂture blogs are you readÂing? Which ones are your favorites, regardÂless of whether they’re well known or not. If you have some good tips, please ma**@oc******.com/”>email us and lets us know what you’re readÂing and likÂing. Or drop us those thoughts in the comÂments secÂtion of this post below. Thanks in advance for your conÂtriÂbuÂtions, and stay tuned for our list.
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