Interview with Pulitzer Prize Winning Poet, Robert Hass

This week, the Pulitzer Prize for poet­ry went to Robert Hass, a UC Berke­ley pro­fes­sor and for­mer U.S. poet lau­re­ate. To mark the occa­sion, we’re post­ing here Sier­ra Club Radio’s inter­view with Hass. The inter­view, record­ed this past Sat­ur­day (mp3 — iTunes — web site), delves into Hass’ “thoughts on the inter­sec­tion between lan­guage and our envi­ron­ment, how he decid­ed to use his posi­tion as Poet Lau­re­ate for advo­ca­cy, and has him read­ing selec­tions from his new book of poet­ry Time and Mate­ri­als — win­ner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize. He also gives some insights into the col­lec­tion and sto­ries behind some of the poems.”

Relat­ed Con­tent:

101 Ear­ly Wal­lace Stevens Poems on Free Audio

Lis­ten­ing to Famous Poets Read­ing Their Own Work

The Art of Read­ing a Poem (Accord­ing to Harold Bloom)

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