Father Guido Sarducci’s Publicizes the Virtues of Art School

Any­one remem­ber Father Gui­do Sar­duc­ci from Sat­ur­day Night Live’s bet­ter days? Below, we find him cel­e­brat­ing the virtues of art school. The clip is fun­ny. But it’s even fun­nier when you con­sid­er that this was appar­ent­ly a real TV com­mer­cial made for the San Fran­cis­co Art Insti­tute in the ear­ly 1980s. The clip has been added to our YouTube playlist.  Also for anoth­er good laugh, see this pre­vi­ous bit: Father Gui­do Sarducci’s Five Minute Uni­ver­si­ty.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.