The Tribe: Now Playing in the YouTube Screening Room

“What can Bar­bie teach us about cul­ture? More than you might think. In this short doc­u­men­tary, direc­tor Tiffany Shlain explores mod­ern Jew­ish iden­ti­ty through the unusu­al lens of the Bar­bie doll. The Tribe was an offi­cial selec­tion of the 2006 Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val.”

Per­son­al­ly, the film strikes me as rather facile, but what does my opin­ion count next to that of Sun­dance? …

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  • Susan Mack says:

    I saw The Tribe at a Hadas­sah event in Los Ange­les. I would like to hold a sim­i­lar event for my Hadas­sah Chap­ter in Los Alam­os, NM. Can I pur­chase a copy of the video and the kit? Thank you very much. ‑Susan

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.