Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, Read by Neil Gaiman

Sci-fi author Neil Gaiman has the right idea. After mak­ing his well-known nov­el Amer­i­can Gods freely avail­able online last year, he has gone the extra mile again in releas­ing his new nov­el, The Grave­Yard Book. In brief, he has just kicked off a nine day book tour, and each day he’s read­ing a chap­ter that you can lat­er watch on the web. You can watch all of the videos above. And find more read­ings here:

Hear Neil Gaiman Read Aloud 15 of His Own Works, and Works by 6 Oth­er Great Writ­ers: From The Grave­yard Book & Cora­line, to Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven & Dick­ens’ A Christ­mas Car­ol

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