Peter Schiff on the Economy and What’s Coming Next

Last week, we fea­tured a rather pre­scient video clip high­light­ing Peter Schiff and his warn­ings in 2006-07 that that our econ­o­my is in deep trou­ble. Since then, many have won­dered where Schiff sees things going next. So NPR’s Plan­et Mon­ey (iTunes — Rss Feed — Stream) caught up with him on Fri­day and asked him just that: The upshot is nowhere good. We’ve got some deep, under­ly­ing prob­lems — prob­lems that go well beyond asset bub­bles. We’re head­ed for anoth­er Depres­sion. And it’s in part because all of the gov­ern­ment inter­ven­tion is hurt­ing, not help­ing, things. There’s noth­ing very hope­ful here. But, if Schiff is right again, it could pay to lis­ten and get his take on what the future could look like.

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The White Album Turns 40

The Bea­t­les’ White Album turned 40 last week. And that put the clas­sic album back in the spot­light, lead­ing crit­ics to revis­it the band’s most exper­i­men­tal and con­tro­ver­sial work. Was it their mas­ter­piece or biggest mess? (Feel free to post your thoughts in the com­ments below.) For one look back, you can lis­ten to this pod­cast from WNY­C’s Sound Check (iTunes — Feed — MP3). And, for good mea­sure, we’re throw­ing in some video clips from the album’s stu­dio ses­sions.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Bea­t­les: Pod­casts from Yes­ter­day
What New York­ers Heard on the Radio the Night John Lennon was Shot
The Grey Video: Mix­ing The Bea­t­les with Jay‑Z

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Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong with Nunchucks

Nope, this is not exact­ly anoth­er piece of vin­tage YouTube good­ness. From what I can piece togeth­er, Nokia is mar­ket­ing a Bruce Lee cell phone in Chi­na, and this is the com­mer­cial that’s back­ing their pro­mo­tion. Need­less to say, there are some dig­i­tal enhance­ments going on here. But it’s amus­ing nonethe­less.

Malcolm Gladwell and The Secret of Success

Mal­colm Glad­well, the author of The Tip­ping Point and Blink, has a new book out. And it’s almost guar­an­teed to be anoth­er best­seller. Out­liers: The Sto­ry of Suc­cess takes on an idea at the cen­ter of Amer­i­can mythol­o­gy, the con­cept of the “self-made man.” For Glad­well, suc­cess sto­ries aren’t large­ly the prod­uct of smarts and hard work, as we’re repeat­ed­ly told. More often, they’re “the prod­uct of hid­den advan­tages and extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ties and cul­tur­al lega­cies that allow [suc­cess­ful indi­vid­u­als] to learn and work hard.” And, as you’ll hear in this inter­view (iTunes â€” Feed â€” Web Site), good tim­ing (includ­ing the month and decade of your birth), cir­cum­stance, and luck also play a fair­ly impor­tant role. You can buy the new book in print here, or down­load the audio book from Audi­ble for as lit­tle as $7.49.

As a quick aside, The Leonard Lopate show (where we found this inter­view) appears in our Ideas & Cul­ture Pod­cast col­lec­tion, which you think­ing types might enjoy.


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Hitler’s Real Estate Downfall

What hap­pens when you take the 2004, Acad­e­my award-nom­i­nat­ed Ger­man film Der Unter­gang (The Down­fall) and turn it into a spoof? Here, the “down­fall” is all about the decline of the hous­ing mar­ket, and how Hitler becomes just anoth­er man with a home under water. There are some clas­sic lines here, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you looked to buy a home in recent years. Thanks Bob for the tip.


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Monty Python Channel Launches on YouTube

The Mon­ty Python Chan­nel on YouTube was launched with these words:

“For three years you YouTu­bers have been rip­ping us off, tak­ing tens of thou­sands of our videos and putting them up on YouTube… We know who you are … we know where you live … and we could come after you in ways too hor­ri­ble to men­tion…” “But being the extra­or­di­nar­i­ly nice chaps we are, we’ve fig­ured out a bet­ter way to get our own back. It’s time to take mat­ters in our own hands by launch­ing our very own Mon­ty Python chan­nel on YouTube.”

The videos are offered in high qual­i­ty, straight from the Mon­ty Python vault. Down the road, you’ll get a com­pre­hen­sive, well orga­nized col­lec­tion. Below, we’ve added one of the videos that you’ll find in the mix, the clas­sic Mon­ty Python bit, “Every Sperm is Sacred.” And we’ve also added the Python chan­nel (if you don’t object) to our col­lec­tion: Intel­li­gent Life at YouTube: 80 Cul­tur­al Video Col­lec­tions

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Google Brings Massive LIFE Photo Archive to The Web

A good days for fans of open cul­ture: Google is bring­ing the mas­sive LIFE pho­to archive online. 2 mil­lion pho­tos are already uploaded, and anoth­er 8 mil­lion will be com­ing online soon. The cur­rent archive moves from The Amer­i­can Civ­il War to present, and it includes a large num­ber of pho­tos nev­er seen before. Here’s one of MLK Jr, anoth­er of Pablo Picas­so, and then one of FDR. All of these images will be added to Google Image Search, but if you want to peruse the col­lec­tion, you can sim­ply access it here. You can also read more about this ambi­tious under­tak­ing on Google’s cor­po­rate blog.

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Unlocking the European Film Vault

Thanks to Europa Film Trea­sures, you can spend hours look­ing back through an archive of Euro­pean film. The­ses films range from “com­e­dy to sci­ence fic­tion, from west­erns to ani­ma­tion, from erot­ic to eth­no­log­i­cal movies.” And all films come with a fair amount of back­ground infor­ma­tion. And yes, of course, you can stream these films online and watch them in the com­fort of your own home.

For a taste of what this archive is all about, watch Jön az öcsém, a 1919 film by Michael Cur­tiz, who lat­er went on to direct Casablan­ca! For more, enter the gen­er­al col­lec­tion here.

via Boing Boing

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.