Last week, we feaÂtured a rather preÂscient video clip highÂlightÂing Peter Schiff and his warnÂings in 2006-07 that that our econÂoÂmy is in deep trouÂble. Since then, many have wonÂdered where Schiff sees things going next. So NPR’s PlanÂet MonÂey (iTunes — Rss Feed — Stream) caught up with him on FriÂday and asked him just that: The upshot is nowhere good. We’ve got some deep, underÂlyÂing probÂlems — probÂlems that go well beyond asset bubÂbles. We’re headÂed for anothÂer DepresÂsion. And it’s in part because all of the govÂernÂment interÂvenÂtion is hurtÂing, not helpÂing, things. There’s nothÂing very hopeÂful here. But, if Schiff is right again, it could pay to lisÂten and get his take on what the future could look like.