A Short Introduction to The Great Depression & The New Deal

Eric Rauch­way, an Amer­i­can his­to­ri­an at UC-Davis (and an old grad school col­league of mine), pub­lished a time­ly book ear­li­er this year, The Great Depres­sion and the New Deal: A Very Short Intro­duc­tion. And it sets him up per­fect­ly to talk about an his­tor­i­cal moment that’s now back on our minds.

Rauch­way appeared last week on Econ­Talk (iTunesFeedMP3), a pod­cast that’s get­ting some play late­ly, and spent a good hour sur­vey­ing the eco­nom­ic cri­sis that all oth­ers will be mea­sured against. The con­ver­sa­tion starts with the after­math of World War I, where John May­nard Keynes saw the eco­nom­ic prob­lems begin­ning. (Read online his 1919 book, The Eco­nom­ic Con­se­quences of the Peace.) Then, it moves through the 1920s, the stock mar­ket crash, Hoover’s attempts to restore sta­bil­i­ty (which weren’t as bungling as his his­tor­i­cal rep­u­ta­tion now sug­gests) and final­ly FDR’s New Deal and the effects of World War II. If you have an hour, you’ll learn a good deal.

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  • I don’t get it I don’t even know where’s the intro­duc­tion start.

  • rakau gestoph says:

    to build the mind is to build the char­ac­ter and the atti­tude of a man because every action,motive,and behav­iour is con­fine with­in the bound­eries of the state ofg the mind ‚the state of deliv­er­ance is lim­it­ed by the truth you have aquired.that is why the bible says..you shall hear the truth and the truth shall set you free..when your mind is lib­er­at­ed by the truth,then your body will pos­sess what is in the mind..thefore change your mind to change your char­ac­ter.

  • rakau gestoph says:


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