John Lennon Returns to Promote “One Laptop Per Child”

Thanks to some dig­i­tal hocus pocus, John Lennon is back and help­ing pro­mote One Lap­top Per Child, a char­i­ty work­ing to bring cheap com­put­ers and inter­net access to chil­dren in devel­op­ing coun­tries. Done with the approval of Yoko Ono, the com­mer­cial stitch­es togeth­er old record­ings of Lennon’s voice and adds at least a cou­ple of new words (did Lennon ever say “lap­top”?). In the end, it all comes out fair­ly seam­less­ly. If you want to give a lap­top (start­ing at $199) and change the world, go here. Oth­er­wise, here’s John:

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via Goings On via Rolling Stone

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  • Hanoch says:

    The goal expressed by this char­i­ty is edu­ca­tion. But show me a kid on a com­put­er and I’ll show you a kid wast­ing hours of his time with video games, chat rooms, music and video down­loads, etc. I would not be sur­prised if there were an inverse cor­re­la­tion between the ubiq­ui­ty of tech­nol­o­gy and chi­drens’ pro­fi­cien­cy in fun­da­men­tal areas of knowl­edge such as math, sci­ence, lit­er­a­cy, and his­to­ry. Edu­cat­ing a child takes time and effort on the part of par­ents and/or oth­er ded­i­cat­ed adults; throw­ing a com­put­er onto a child’s lap is no sub­sti­tute, and is prob­a­bly more of a dis­trac­tion than any­thing else.

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