Leonard Bernstein Conducting Shostakovich’s Fifth with Some YouTube Comments Sprinkled on Top

Imag­ine you’re surf­ing YouTube and come across a clip of Leonard Bern­stein con­duct­ing Shostakovich’s Fifth. It looks and sounds great. Now imag­ine that you lay­er on top a series of YouTube com­ments that accom­pa­ny the video. Sud­den­ly things get a lit­tle dif­fer­ent and bizarre. This piece comes from the YouTube Com­men­tary Project devel­oped by Artists Space, which we’ve added to our col­lec­tion, YouTube Edu­ca­tion: 80 Intel­li­gent Video Col­lec­tions on YouTube

PS The YouTube com­ments are rat­ed R, not PG. So watch this clip in the com­pa­ny of an appro­pri­ate audi­ence.

 via Kot­tke via The Rest is Noise

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  • Mark says:

    This is ter­ri­ble. It’s like MST3K meets clas­si­cal music. But, unlike MST3K the com­ments aren’t fun­ny and the orig­i­nal con­tent is real­ly rather good. I cer­tain­ly can­not rec­om­mend this project.

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