For those of you who couldÂn’t see the HitchÂcock films postÂed yesÂterÂday (down with Joost for geoblockÂing!), I’ve hopeÂfulÂly found an alterÂnaÂtive resource. The InterÂnet Archive hosts some clasÂsic films, and there you’ll find 4 of the 5 HitchÂcock films menÂtioned yesÂterÂday. Folks on TwitÂter have conÂfirmed that the films can be accessed in MexÂiÂco, BelÂgium, Sri LanÂka, IreÂland and CanaÂda. So hopeÂfulÂly you’ll be in good shape too. Thanks to an unidenÂtiÂfied readÂer for the tip: