Jack Wakes Up: Get the First Three Chapters Here

harwoodIt start­ed as an audio pod­cast (iTunes — RSS Feed — MP3) and now it’s being released in print by Ran­dom House today. Seth Har­wood’s Jack Wakes Up is out, and you can read the first three chap­ters as a free pdf here. A cou­ple of weeks back, we fea­tured a short video show­ing how Har­wood has used web 2.0 (pod­casts, videos, etc.) to get his crime fic­tion in front of new audi­ences. If you’re a writer, no mat­ter what your age, you’ll want to see what Seth is doing here. It’s smart and let’s you take charge of your lit­er­ary career. In the mean­time, you can fol­low his enthu­si­as­tic book launch over on Twit­ter: @sethharwood. And we’re at @openculture, bring­ing even more bits of open cul­ture to the world.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.