The Kindle to Save the Elderly .. and the Newspaper Industry


Anec­do­tal evi­dence seems to sug­gest that Ama­zon’s Kin­dle is appeal­ing, per­haps coun­ter­in­tu­itive­ly, to an old­er gen­er­a­tion. Accord­ing to Mar­gin­al Rev­o­lu­tion, “over half of report­ing Kin­dle own­ers are 50 or old­er, and 70 per­cent are 40 or old­er.” Why is the Kin­dle skew­ing toward a more senior demo­graph­ic? At least one rea­son is that it allows old­er folks to nav­i­gate around var­i­ous phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties, rang­ing from visu­al prob­lems to arthri­tis to carpal tun­nel syn­drome. If you have bad eye sight, then you can expand the Kindle’s fonts and you’re good to go.

In the mean­time, on a dif­fer­ent front, The New York Times is report­ing today that news­pa­per pub­lish­ers may be hop­ing that the Kin­dle can save their indus­try. Instead of dis­trib­ut­ing free con­tent via the web, papers may be look­ing to cir­cu­late con­tent through big screen e‑book read­ers on a sub­scrip­tion basis. Charge a fee + elim­i­nate print­ing costs =  back in busi­ness. That’s the think­ing.

via Andrew Sul­li­van’s Dai­ly Dish


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  • Will Kin­dle be a sav­ior for news­pa­pers? Maybe so. Kin­dle might be the prod­uct to final­ly get news­pa­pers to real­ize they have to go dig­i­tal. Read more at

  • Carol A says:

    Could it be that more old­er peo­ple read books? I would love a read­er (and am over 50) but will wait for the cheap­er mod­els to come out lat­er this year (Bebook etc). Also don’t like DRM’d for­mats.

  • bob schulties says:

    Hang on, Car­ol A… You are over 50 and know about DRM. AND you don’t like it? Yay for informed peo­ple.

    Sor­ry for sar­cas­tic-sound­ing com­ment… but any­time folks are actu­al­ly aware of DRM I get excit­ed. Go, Car­ol A! :)

    I am wait­ing for the indus­try get its col­lec­tive arse togeth­er and get a com­mon for­mat so that we can, soon­er than lat­er, have sev­er­al read­ers to choose from and can buy books from wher­ev­er.

    And they bet­ter be cheap. $2 — $3 book will get sales going. And maybe, just maybe, The Times at $10/month would be palat­able. But it needs to update more than once a day.

    The indus­try needs to take advan­tage of the tech­nol­o­gy.

    And they bet­ter get it togeth­er before Apple gets this all sussed out and owns the book world like they most­ly do for the music.

    Any­way, I’m most­ly com­ment­ed because Car­ol A rocks.

  • Alex Levy says:

    As a sub­scriber to the paper edi­tion of the NY Times, I hate the idea of hav­ing to pay again to have it on my Kin­dle. What is more, Kin­dle, while it can pro­vide larg­er print and audio, which is appre­ci­at­ed by old­er folk (I’m 73), should work at pro­vid­ing a white, rather than a grey, back­ground for its black text. Insuf­fi­cient con­trast makes it dif­fi­cult to read indoors.

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