Blogging the Iranian Election & Aftermath

Check out Andrew Sul­li­van’s Dai­ly Dish. He’s doing a great job of watch­ing things unfold in Tehran. More good blog­ging com­ing from the NYTimes Lede blog. Mean­while CNN has dropped the ball big time, and is tak­ing a beat­ing on Twit­ter. Check out the new web­site,

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  • ariadna says:

    hi, how are you please let me con­grat­u­late you bea­cause your excel­lent blogs, I’d love to have it on my edu­ca­tion rel­a­tive blog and my edu­ca­tion site, I’m sure it would be of great inter­est to my vis­i­tors!. If you can, please con­tact me to


  • Bryan says:

    It looks like Tianan­men all over again and the major news net­works are cov­er­ing a sex change oper­a­tion.…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.