What’s the stoÂry behind this video? Here it is, straight from the proÂducÂer, JarÂbas AgnelÂli from Brazil: “ReadÂing a newsÂpaÂper, I saw a picÂture of birds on the elecÂtric wires. I cut out the phoÂto and decidÂed to make a song, using the exact locaÂtion of the birds as notes (no PhoÂtoÂshop edit). I knew it wasÂn’t the most origÂiÂnal idea in the uniÂverse. I was just curiÂous to hear what melody the birds were creÂatÂing.” You can get more details here.
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Back in the 50s, Steve Allen did this. He’d play the notes repÂreÂsentÂed by the birds and build a song around this theme. Great stuff but I can’t find a video of it.