U2 to Webcast Sunday’s Rose Bowl Concert

Accord­ing to the LA Times, U2 will live stream its con­cert this com­ing Sun­day night on YouTube. Some 95,000 peo­ple have tick­ets for the Rose Bowl show in LA. If you’re not one of them, then you can watch the YouTube stream start­ing at 8:30 pm Pacif­ic time. The footage will also be archived for any­one who miss­es it. More details here and here.

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  • andylock says:

    Vir­tu­al Stu­dio gives the facil­i­ties includes: Talk shows host­ing, using vir­tu­al sets; live & on-demand web-cast stream­ing stu­dio; record­ing by voiceover artists; pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty for audio video pre­sen­ta­tions; option for live call outs or live phone-ins; radio shows; pan­el dis­cus­sions; train­ing-edu­ca­tion­al videos with soft­ware demos audio-video pro­cess­ing, opti­miza­tion & encod­ing facil­i­ty.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.