Jimi Hendrix Breaks Out in America, Covers Bob Dylan

We take you back to 1967, to the three-day Mon­terey Pop Fes­ti­val in Cal­i­for­nia, which was kind of a pre­cur­sor to the Wood­stock Fes­ti­val held in 1969. Mon­terey marked, among oth­er things, the first major Amer­i­can appear­ances by Jimi Hen­drix and The Who. Above, we give you Hen­drix cov­er­ing Bob Dylan’s anthem Like a Rolling Stone. And here, we have Wild Thing, which ends famous­ly in Hen­drix adding fire to his best imi­ta­tion of Pete Town­shend. Great vin­tage clips which you’ll find in our YouTube favorites.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.