Twenty-Five Essential Films of the 2000s

It’s that time of the year. Or rather that time of the decade. It’s time for “best of” lists — good ones, often banal ones, and some­times bad ones. Here’s one good list that might serve you well next year. Twen­ty-Five Essen­tial Films of the 2000s fea­tures some films that you’ve undoubt­ed­ly seen (The Lord of the Rings, Munich, There Will Be Blood) , but prob­a­bly a good num­ber that you haven’t (Three Times, Fat Girl, The Blind Swords­man: Zato­ichi). If you’re look­ing to replen­ish your Net­flix queue in 2010, it’s not a bad place to begin …

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.