WelÂcome to the new world of digÂiÂtal filmÂmakÂing. Give this one a minute to get going.
Thanks Nats and Gary for sendÂing this one along. Have a great link to share with us? (I know you do!) Write us at mail at openÂculÂture dot com.
in Film, Life | January 11th, 2010 3 Comments
WelÂcome to the new world of digÂiÂtal filmÂmakÂing. Give this one a minute to get going.
Thanks Nats and Gary for sendÂing this one along. Have a great link to share with us? (I know you do!) Write us at mail at openÂculÂture dot com.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (3) |
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I’m not sure I got the point here. Even very young chilÂdren learn quickÂly these days that “seeÂing is believÂing” is no longer true, if it ever was!
ActuÂalÂly I thought it made a very valid point. At least it appears so to me. As a viewÂer, we know when speÂcial effects etc. are used. But, then there are times like in the vid, when we by default assume that the peoÂple on screen are say actuÂalÂly walkÂing down the street. Very interÂestÂing vid. What is real and what is the blue screen? Tough to deciÂpher. The line difÂferÂenÂtiÂatÂing the two is not clear for the viewÂer.
Can’t edit above comÂment. But when there are fanÂcy effects, then we are alive to the fact that virÂtuÂal tech is at work. But like the runÂning into glass wall at 0:33 into vid. At least for me, if I had watched it on TV, I would have thought that the actress actuÂalÂly ran into a REAL glass wall rather than a comÂputÂer genÂerÂatÂed backÂground.