When the Dalai Lama Meets the Neuroscientists

More and more, the Dalai Lama has been devel­op­ing an inter­est in what mod­ern sci­ence has to say about human emo­tion — or, more par­tic­u­lar­ly, how neu­ro­science makes sense of med­i­ta­tion and com­pas­sion. Part­ly as a result, Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty has launched The Cen­ter for Com­pas­sion and Altru­ism Research and Edu­ca­tion, which is delv­ing deep­er into these ques­tions. The clip above fea­tures Daniel Gole­man, the best­selling sci­ence jour­nal­ist (Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gence and Destruc­tive Emo­tions), talk­ing about the Dalai Lama’s work on this front. You can find the full con­ver­sa­tion with Gole­man at Bigthink.com, a good resource for thought-pro­vok­ing video.

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