Catch TEDxNYED Live on Saturday

A quick heads up: On Sat­ur­day, an inde­pen­dent TED con­fer­ence will get under­way in New York City. It’s dubbed TEDxNYED, and a top notch line­up of speak­ers (includ­ing Lawrence LessigMichael Wesch, Gina Bian­chi­ni, Hen­ry Jenk­ins, Jay Rosen and oth­ers) will focus on a top­ic near and dear to our read­ers’ hearts: how new media and tech­nol­o­gy will shape the future of edu­ca­tion. And the best part? You can watch a live stream of the con­fer­ence here. Look for the web stream­ing to take place between 10am EST and 6pm EST. Again, this all hap­pens this Sat­ur­day. Please spread the word! Your friends will thank you.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.