Love on the Metro: Watch J’Attendrai Le Suivant (I’ll Wait for the Next One)

It starts as it always does on the sub­way in France. The speech has the same for­mu­la­ic windup. And you think you know what’s com­ing next — the pitch for some spare change. But then things head in a new direc­tion, and a mini dra­ma unfolds. I won’t spoil the rest. J’At­tendrai Le Suiv­ant (I’ll Wait for the Next One) was nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award for the Best Short Film in 2002. It received mul­ti­ple oth­er nom­i­na­tions and prizes. This comes our way via Daniel, a film stu­dent in Berlin. We’ve added it to our col­lec­tion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More.

If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newslet­ter, please find it here. Or fol­low our posts on Threads, Face­book, BlueSky or Mastodon.

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Time-Lapse Globetrotting

Sean Stieg­meier trav­eled the world, head­ing to Prague, Japan, Banff, Utah, Ore­gon, Cal­i­for­nia, and beyond. Along the way, he start­ed exper­i­ment­ing with time-lapse pho­tog­ra­phy. And what he came up with is pret­ty impres­sive. Catch it above.

via The Dai­ly Dish

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Libel Reform: A Conversation with Simon Singh

Simon Singh is a man who refus­es to be silenced.  In 2008, the British sci­ence writer pub­lished an arti­cle in The Guardian call­ing atten­tion to some of the wilder claims of the chi­ro­prac­tic indus­try.  A short time lat­er he found him­self sift­ing through 35 pages of legal doc­u­ments from a libel suit brought by the British Chi­ro­prac­tic Asso­ci­a­tion.  The law­suit specif­i­cal­ly named Singh, and not the news­pa­per.  As he told The Times of Lon­don recent­ly, the expe­ri­ence was “scary.”

Singh decid­ed to fight back. Two years lat­er, the British Chi­ro­prac­tic Asso­ci­a­tion has received a great deal more pub­lic scruti­ny than it bar­gained for, while Singh and his predica­ment have become the cause célèbre of a rapid­ly grow­ing move­ment to reform England’s noto­ri­ous libel law. London’s sta­tus as “Libel Cap­i­tal of the World “ has begun to teeter.

The chain of events began April 19, 2008, on the “Com­ment and Debate” page of The Guardian: “This is Chi­ro­prac­tic Aware­ness Week,” wrote Singh. “So let’s be aware.  How about some aware­ness that may pre­vent harm and help you make tru­ly informed choic­es?”  From there Singh went on to report that the founder of chi­ro­prac­tic ther­a­py, Daniel David Palmer, had claimed that “99% of all dis­eases are caused by dis­placed ver­te­brae.” Even now, Singh wrote, mod­ern chi­ro­prac­tors still hold some “quite wacky ideas.”  The law­suit revolves around a par­tic­u­lar pas­sage, quot­ed last week in a court doc­u­ment:

“The British Chi­ro­prac­tic Asso­ci­a­tion claims that their mem­bers can help treat chil­dren with col­ic, sleep­ing and feed­ing prob­lems, fre­quent ear infec­tions, asth­ma and pro­longed cry­ing, even though there is not a jot of evi­dence.  This orga­ni­za­tion is the respectable face of the chi­ro­prac­tic pro­fes­sion and yet it hap­pi­ly pro­motes bogus treat­ments.”

When the BCA object­ed, The Guardian offered to make space avail­able for a rebut­tal — if there was “a jot of evi­dence,” the BCA could present it.  Instead, the orga­ni­za­tion declined the offer and sued the writer.

At the time, Singh was pro­mot­ing his new book, Trick or Treat­ment: Alter­na­tive Med­i­cine on Tri­al, which he co-wrote with Edzard Ernst.  Sev­er­al of his ear­li­er books were inter­na­tion­al best­sellers, includ­ing Big Bang: The Ori­gin of the Uni­verse, and Fermat’s Last The­o­rem, which was pub­lished in Amer­i­ca as Fermat’s Enig­ma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World’s Great­est Math­e­mat­i­cal Prob­lem.  The com­mer­cial suc­cess of Singh’s books enabled him to absorb the enor­mous expense of fight­ing a case in the British libel courts.

Singh was dealt a seri­ous set­back in a pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing last May, when a judge ruled that the writer’s phrase “hap­pi­ly pro­motes bogus treat­ments” amount­ed to a fac­tu­al claim that the BCA was inten­tion­al­ly dis­hon­est – an inter­pre­ta­tion of mean­ing which Singh flat­ly denied.  Singh appealed the deci­sion, and last Thurs­day, in a rul­ing that may prove to be a water­shed, not only in Singh’s case but in the larg­er strug­gle for libel reform, the Eng­land and Wales Court of Appeal reversed the low­er court judge’s deci­sion and cleared the way for Singh to use a “fair com­ment” clause in his defense.

In the writ­ten deci­sion, Lord Chief Jus­tice Igor Judge com­ment­ed on the soci­etal impact of the BCA’s action.  “It is now near­ly two years since the pub­li­ca­tion of the offend­ing arti­cle,” Lord Judge wrote. “It seems unlike­ly that any­one would dare repeat the opin­ions expressed by Dr. Singh for fear of a writ.  Accord­ing­ly this lit­i­ga­tion has almost cer­tain­ly had a chill­ing effect on pub­lic debate which might oth­er­wise have assist­ed poten­tial patients to make informed choic­es about the pos­si­ble use of chi­ro­prac­tic.”

In the days fol­low­ing last week’s land­mark deci­sion, we talked with Singh by email.

OPEN CULTURE: Con­grat­u­la­tions on your vic­to­ry in the Court of Appeal.  How do you feel?

SIMON SINGH: I am delight­ed that the Court of Appeal has backed my inter­pre­ta­tion of my own arti­cle, name­ly that the British Chi­ro­prac­tic Asso­ci­a­tion is reck­less, but not dis­hon­est.  I will still have to defend my arti­cle at tri­al, but I will be defend­ing some­thing I meant to write, as opposed to an extreme accu­sa­tion that nev­er exist­ed in the first place.  Although this is a big step for­ward for me, there is still a long way to go on libel reform in the UK.  Eng­lish libel laws are the worst in the free world, and they need rad­i­cal reform so that oth­er sci­en­tists and jour­nal­ists do not find them­selves in my posi­tion next year.

OPEN CULTURE: What hap­pens next?

SIMON SINGH: I think the British Chi­ro­prac­tic Asso­ci­a­tion is in a dif­fi­cult posi­tion, but it has three choic­es.  First, it could take the case to tri­al, which is fine by me because I would rel­ish the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss my arti­cle in a court­room.  Sec­ond, it could appeal last week’s deci­sion and go to the Supreme Court, but again this is fine by me because I would rel­ish the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss my arti­cle in such an ele­vat­ed forum.  Third, it could aban­don the case, but the BCA would have to pay my costs before being allowed to walk away.

OPEN CULTURE: Those costs have been con­sid­er­able, haven’t they?

SIMON SINGH: I esti­mate that in my case both par­ties have run up bills of over £300,000, of which £200,000 has been spent estab­lish­ing the mean­ing.

OPEN CULTURE: The Appeal Court rul­ing quotes Mil­ton on the impris­on­ment of Galileo, and warns that under cur­rent law the court is invit­ed to become “an Orwellian min­istry of truth.”  Do you think the tide is turn­ing in favor of libel reform?

SIMON SINGH: I think the Appeal Court judges were send­ing a clear mes­sage that they are unhap­py with libel law, which should encour­age politi­cians to act rad­i­cal­ly on libel reform.  All the main par­ties seem keen to reform our libel laws, but this is not yet in the man­i­festos of the two main par­ties.  I think the pres­sure from cam­paign­ers, the pub­lic and the legal pro­fes­sion will ulti­mate­ly encour­age the next gov­ern­ment to reform libel, but we have to main­tain the pres­sure.

OPEN CULTURE: What makes Eng­lish libel law so oner­ous?

SIMON SINGH: There is so much wrong with Eng­lish libel law that it is hard to know where to start.  It is hor­ren­dous­ly expen­sive, which forces writ­ers to back down even if they are right, because they can­not afford to defend their writ­ing.  It has been esti­mat­ed that an Eng­lish libel tri­al can eas­i­ly cost over ÂŁ1 mil­lion, and this is over 100 times more than the cost of an aver­age libel case in main­land Europe.  Sec­ond, there is the prob­lem that large cor­po­ra­tions can sue lone sci­en­tists, jour­nal­ists and blog­gers, which again forces them to back down because they are up against such pow­er­ful and rich orga­ni­za­tions.  Third, the bur­den of proof is uneven, because writ­ers are assumed to be guilty until proven inno­cent.  Fourth, there is no so-called robust pub­lic inter­est defense, name­ly some­thing that would pro­tect writ­ers com­ment­ing on impor­tant issues.  The law should encour­age such debate, not silence it.  Final­ly, there is a prob­lem of libel tourism, where­by over­seas com­pa­nies sue over­seas writ­ers in Lon­don because they know that Eng­lish libel law is hos­tile to jour­nal­ists.

OPEN CULTURE: Why should this con­cern some­one liv­ing away from the British Isles?

SIMON SINGH: The issue of libel tourism means that every­one in the world should be scared of the Eng­lish libel law.  If you write any­where in the world about a bil­lion­aire, then the Lon­don court can prob­a­bly claim juris­dic­tion because the mate­r­i­al can prob­a­bly be read in Eng­land over the inter­net and bil­lion­aires typ­i­cal­ly have busi­ness inter­ests in Eng­land so they can claim to have a rep­u­ta­tion in Eng­land.  There are many cas­es of libel tourism, such as Sau­di bil­lion­aires suing an Amer­i­can jour­nal­ist, a U.S. com­pa­ny suing a Dan­ish researcher, an Israeli tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny threat­en­ing to sue a paper writ­ten by a Swedish pro­fes­sor, a Tunisian man suing a Ger­man news­pa­per, an Ice­landic bank suing a Dan­ish news­pa­per, and so on – all these cas­es end­ed up in Lon­don, the libel cap­i­tal of the world.

OPEN CULTURE: Libel law affects all forms of jour­nal­ism and free expres­sion, but the British sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty has been espe­cial­ly out­spo­ken on this issue.  Richard Dawkins for exam­ple gave a high-pro­file speech on the prob­lem.  Why are sci­en­tists, in par­tic­u­lar, so up in arms?

SIMON SINGH: I think sci­en­tists are at the fore­front of the cam­paign for libel reform because sci­ence can only progress through open dis­cus­sion and robust debate and crit­i­cism.  I think the pub­lic accepts that libel is impor­tant for pro­tect­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of indi­vid­u­als, but they now real­ize that there must be a prob­lem when libel blocks sci­en­tif­ic dis­cus­sion.  In addi­tion to my case, in the last year we have seen the sci­ence jour­nal­ist Ben Goldacre, the car­di­ol­o­gist Peter Wilmshurst, the Swedish lin­guist Pro­fes­sor Lac­er­da and the Dan­ish med­ical researcher Hen­rik Thom­sen all being sued for libel in Lon­don.  The libel laws block our right to dis­cuss sci­en­tif­ic ideas, but they also block the public’s right to hear these ideas.

OPEN CULTURE: With every­thing that has hap­pened, have you been able to car­ry on with your work as a writer?  Are you writ­ing a new book?

SIMON SINGH: As well as the legal costs, I have also lost out because my income has been seri­ous­ly dam­aged by my inabil­i­ty to write.  I should be writ­ing a new book now, but I can­not even sub­mit a book pro­pos­al because I don’t know if I would ever be able to deliv­er it.  Right now I am spend­ing the major­i­ty of my time on my own legal case, and devot­ing any spare time to the cam­paign for libel reform.

OPEN CULTURE: Are you work­ing with any orga­ni­za­tions to bring about reform?

SIMON SINGH: I am work­ing close­ly with three char­i­ties (Sense About Sci­ence, Eng­lish PEN and Index on Cen­sor­ship), who have formed the Libel Reform Coali­tion.  We have a peti­tion for libel reform and we wel­come sig­na­to­ries from around the world, because Eng­lish libel law affects writ­ers all over the globe.  I hope that read­ers will add their names to the peti­tion at — I have spent over a mil­lion min­utes of my life defend­ing my arti­cle and my right to free speech, so I hope read­ers will take one minute to show their sup­port.

This arti­cle was con­tributed by Mike Springer, a jour­nal­ist in Cam­bridge, Mass­a­chu­setts.

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William Faulkner Reads from As I Lay Dying

William Faulkn­er’s As I Lay Dying is wide­ly con­sid­ered one of the great Amer­i­can nov­els. Quite an accom­plish­ment, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that Faulkn­er wrote the nov­el in six weeks while work­ing at a pow­er plant in 1929–30. Read more about his day jobs here.

Thanks to Harper­Collins, you can now lis­ten to Faulkn­er, him­self, read­ing from his mas­ter­piece: .au file (4.4 Mb), .gsm file (0.9 Mb), .ra file (0.5 Mb). The audio can be a lit­tle dif­fi­cult to make out at times. But you can read right along with the text in Google Books. Enjoy. Thanks MS.

For more audio clas­sics, check out our col­lec­tion of Free Audio Books.

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The Future of the Textbook: A Quick Glimpse

Ama­zon ran a not so suc­cess­ful etext­book exper­i­ment at Prince­ton this year. Now it’s time for the iPad to take a crack at the dig­i­tal text­book mar­ket. Wast­ing lit­tle time, Cours­eS­mart has announced an iPad app that will bring thou­sands of text­books to Apple’s new plat­form. The video above gives you a glimpse into this ini­tia­tive. And while you can only tell so much from a short video, it looks like this prod­uct could have some legs. The inter­face looks pret­ty slick, and the prod­uct quite usable. The down­side is that Cours­eS­mart does­n’t do enough to low­er costs for stu­dents. Gen­er­al­ly, the com­pa­ny rents dig­i­tal text­books for 50% of the price that Ama­zon sells hard copies. That leaves stu­dents still pay­ing inflat­ed prices. And so the video above hard­ly con­sti­tutes an endorse­ment. It’s more to show you where the mar­ket is going.

See our young and grow­ing col­lec­tion of Free Text­books.

via Wired

Already, you can down­load a free app pro­duced by Cours­es­mart

Philosophy on Late Night TV

Last week, Craig Fer­gu­son prob­a­bly made a lit­tle tele­vi­sion his­to­ry when he invit­ed a phi­los­o­phy pro­fes­sor to appear on The Late Late Show. The guest is Jonathan Dan­cy, a prof at UT-Austin, who also hap­pens to be the father of actor Hugh Dan­cy, and the father-in-law of actress Claire Danes. And the unlike­ly top­ic of dis­cus­sion? Moral par­tic­u­lar­ism, which argues that moral­i­ty is con­tex­tu­al, not objec­tive­ly defined. The con­ver­sa­tion runs 11 min­utes, and it’s intrigu­ing to see how Fer­gu­son and Dan­cy nav­i­gate the inter­view, try­ing to bring phi­los­o­phy and com­e­dy togeth­er. Mean­while, if you’re a reg­u­lar Open Cul­ture read­er, you’ll note that Dan­cy’s think­ing stands in sharp con­trast to the con­tro­ver­sial vision of moral phi­los­o­phy out­lined by Sam Har­ris at the recent TED Con­fer­ence. Part 2 con­tin­ues here.

The iPad eBook Reader: Some First Reactions

Yes­ter­day morn­ing, I head­ed to the Palo Alto Apple Store, spent an hour wait­ing in line, then final­ly gained entrance to the store. And who entered along­side me? Steve Jobs! An aus­pi­cious begin­ning. I left with a 32 gig iPad, took it home, and start­ed play­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly with the eBook read­er. Here are my very ear­ly impres­sions:

15 months ago, I bought a Kin­dle and returned it. I just could­n’t read with it at night (a non-starter for me), and fig­ured that Apple would even­tu­al­ly get it right. Well, they large­ly have. The iPad ini­tial­ly feels a lit­tle heavy. But, it’s actu­al­ly no heav­ier than your aver­age hard­back book. Plus it’s fair­ly easy to hold. Score one for the iPad.

Then, when you fire up the eBook read­er, you instant­ly like what you see. The fonts are crisp, and the images are in col­or, which means that you can read chil­dren’s books, comics and oth­er graph­ic inten­sive texts. Plus, you can change the size and kind of the font. You can adjust the bright­ness of the screen. And, in some cas­es, you can even alter the back­ground col­or of the screen. (Most of this you can’t do with the Kin­dle.) All of this con­tributes to a read­er-friend­ly screen that’s easy on the eyes. And, yes, I can read with this device at night. (Read­ers make oth­er good obser­va­tions in the com­ments below.)

How about buy­ing books for the iPad? Well, it’s pret­ty easy. Both Apple and Ama­zon sell books for the device, with prices gen­er­al­ly rang­ing between $9.99 and $12.99. Rather notably, they also offer access to a siz­able col­lec­tion of free books in the pub­lic domain. (You can get more free­bies here, too.) Over­all, Ama­zon has a much larg­er inven­to­ry, and their books tend to be cheap­er. But oth­er­wise these are pret­ty sim­i­lar ser­vices. And, because Apple now has a far supe­ri­or device, you have to won­der whether this is the begin­ning of a big shift in the book mar­ket. In five years, Ama­zon might not be quite the behe­moth it is today — some­thing that’s prob­a­bly let­ting Steve Jobs sleep eas­i­er than Jeff Bezos at night.

A final point worth men­tion­ing here: Nei­ther com­pa­ny will let you have true own­er­ship over the books you buy. Both ven­dors lock down their books, dic­tate the oper­at­ing envi­ron­ments in which you can read them, and con­trol the user inter­faces that shape the read­ing expe­ri­ence. (PC World has more on that here.) You don’t have much ulti­mate con­trol over the under­ly­ing file. So the upshot is that you had bet­ter like the iPad (or Kin­dle) read­ing expe­ri­ence before decid­ing to amass a large and cost­ly library.

Now for a few ran­dom obser­va­tions:

1) The  video gen­er­al­ly looks great (unless, of course, it’s pro­duced in Flash). I was real­ly impressed with the qual­i­ty of YouTube videos, and Net­flix movies (free app here) stream over the iPad rather bril­liant­ly.

2) On the down­side, I found typ­ing on the iPad to be rather dif­fi­cult — even more so than typ­ing on an iPhone. The device is large enough that it’s hard to stretch your fin­gers to reach var­i­ous keys. Maybe I will get a hang of it. But, for now, it’s unwieldy.

3) The New York Times and Wall Street Jour­nal have devel­oped new apps for the iPad, and they deliv­er a pleas­ant read­ing expe­ri­ence, to be sure. But I don’t see this sud­den­ly mak­ing con­sumers any more (or less) will­ing to pay. The con­cept of the iPad sav­ing the news­pa­per indus­try seems fair­ly over­played, I’m sor­ry to say.

4) Is this a must-have device? Or just nice-to-have? Right now, I’m inclined toward the lat­ter (and so is Slate). Aside from the eBook read­er, your home com­put­er or smart phone can accom­plish most of what the iPad can. How­ev­er, the iPad will rapid­ly dif­fer­en­ti­ate itself. It will become a nice low-cost, portable com­put­er — one that lets you store data in the cloud, and pro­vides access to a large vol­ume of cheap or free soft­ware (at least more than your aver­age con­sumer nor­mal­ly gets). Give it a year. Wait for the flood of apps to come. Wait for inno­v­a­tive soft­ware devel­op­ers to extract the poten­tial of this machine, and wait for Apple to make the iPad lighter, cheap­er, and even faster. Right now, it’s not a game chang­er. But it will be down the line.

Are you a new iPad own­er? Have any thoughts in gen­er­al? Or par­tic­u­lar­ly about the eBook read­er? Add them to the com­ments below, or send them our way. We look for­ward to hear­ing what you have to say …

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Woody Allen on Moby Dick, Cole Porter & Artistic Theft

NOTE: For some rea­son, it looks like you need to click play twice to get this video start­ed.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.