The Bill Gates colÂlege tour rolled through StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty in late April. And Gates brought with him a mesÂsage for stuÂdents: PhilÂanÂthropy counts. No matÂter how young you are, you can start thinkÂing about givÂing back.
His visÂit feaÂtured a large pubÂlic talk where he drove home this point. (Get the full talk in video or audio here.) Then, like any good teacher, he held office hours and answered stuÂdent quesÂtions posed through FaceÂbook. Watch his responsÂes above.
By the time Andrew Carnegie died in 1919, he had givÂen away about 90% of his forÂtune. FounÂdaÂtions, UniÂverÂsiÂties were set up that are still used today.
Bill Gates?
As of 2010, he’s estiÂmatÂed to have givÂen away, through his founÂdaÂtion, just under 50% of his estiÂmatÂed curÂrent worth. If he left himÂself 10%, he’d still be worth 500 milÂlion, which is pretÂty nice.
So why not just tax him at 90%? I know peoÂple who could use extendÂed unemÂployÂment benÂeÂfits.
Mr Gates, I known you are a rich man, Im not,rightu now Im unemployed,talking of givÂing why you do someÂthing for help me, so please gifth me 100,000 dolÂlars with that amount I will became rich too, with that amount I can open my dreams store, and employed peoÂple like me.Please please here my email: sa**********@ho*****.com
Please, I am gradÂuÂate stuÂdent from Ghana. In my town called Ningo, a disÂtant from Accra the nationÂal capÂiÂtal, I have a big dream to train the youth in ICT and inspirÂing them to develÂop entreÂpreÂneurÂial skills to enable them improve on the ecoÂnomÂic and social develÂopÂment. HowÂevÂer, I don’t have enough comÂputÂers to embark on this project. NevÂerÂtheÂless, it is said that where there is a wil, there is a way, and I believe strongÂly in it.
I thereÂfore want to appeal to your noble outÂfit to help me with a few comÂputÂers to enable me carÂry out this dream I have for my vilÂlage youth.
I count on your much needÂed supÂport.
Thank you.