The Search For Hidden Dimensions

An impor­tant Amer­i­can string the­o­rist, Bri­an Greene has­n’t shied away from bring­ing heady the­o­ret­i­cal physics to the broad­er pub­lic. His 1999 best­selling book, The Ele­gant Uni­verse, intro­duced string the­o­ry to non spe­cial­ists, and it was lat­er adapt­ed into a three hour, Emmy award-win­ning tele­vi­sion series by NOVA. (You can buy it on DVD, or sim­ply watch it online here.) Now, on RichardDawkins.Net, Greene hosts a short video that takes us into the spec­u­la­tive world of “hid­den dimen­sions.” If borne out, these the­o­ries could entire­ly reframe our under­stand­ing of the Big Bang and where our world fits into the larg­er cos­mos. You can find more videos along these lines on, and also on his relat­ed YouTube Chan­nel (which hap­pens to appear in our col­lec­tion of Intel­li­gent YouTube Chan­nels).

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