Always good to see anothÂer major uniÂverÂsiÂty makÂing a conÂtriÂbuÂtion to the open course moveÂment. The Open LearnÂing IniÂtiaÂtive underÂtakÂen by the HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty ExtenÂsion School now offers eight free coursÂes. This clusÂter of coursÂes – the first HarÂvard has put forÂward – covÂers a nice range of topÂics. They feaÂture some heavy-hitÂting memÂbers of the HarÂvard facÂulÂty. And they’re freely availÂable in audio and video. The full list appears below as well as in our big list of 500 Free Online CoursÂes:
- ChiÂna: TraÂdiÂtions and TransÂforÂmaÂtions (Peter K. Bol, PhD, Charles H. CarÂswell ProÂfesÂsor of East Asian LanÂguages and CivÂiÂlizaÂtions, and William C. KirÂby, PhD, T. M. Chang ProÂfesÂsor of ChiÂna StudÂies)
- ShakeÂspeare After All: The LatÂer Plays (MarÂjorie GarÂber, PhD, William R. Kenan Jr. ProÂfesÂsor of EngÂlish)
- The HeroÂic and the Anti-HeroÂic in ClasÂsiÂcal Greek CivÂiÂlizaÂtion (GreÂgoÂry Nagy, PhD, FranÂcis Jones ProÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsiÂcal Greek LitÂerÂaÂture)
- World War and SociÂety in the 20th CenÂtuÂry: World War II (Charles S. Maier, PhD, LevÂerett SaltonÂstall ProÂfesÂsor of HisÂtoÂry)
- Bits (HarÂry R. Lewis, PhD, GorÂdon McKÂay ProÂfesÂsor of ComÂputÂer SciÂence)
- IntenÂsive IntroÂducÂtion to ComÂputÂer SciÂence Using C, PHP, and JavaScript (David J. Malan, PhD, LecÂturÂer on ComÂputÂer SciÂence)
- Abstract AlgeÂbra (BeneÂdict Gross, PhD, George VasÂmer LevÂerett ProÂfesÂsor of MathÂeÂmatÂics)
- Sets, CountÂing, and ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty (Paul G. BamÂberg, DPhil, Senior LecÂturÂer on MathÂeÂmatÂics)
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
What’s the Right Thing to Do?: PopÂuÂlar HarÂvard Course Now Online
NothÂing is realÂly free, ”online we pay with time” as a wise jourÂnalÂist of NYT said recentÂly :) What US UniÂverÂsiÂties are doing with open courseÂware moveÂment is more about open dialogue/participation to knowlÂedge in genÂerÂal than real eduÂcaÂtionÂal opporÂtuÂniÂty. For it to have some eduÂcaÂtionÂal meanÂing, a curÂricuÂlum from low levÂel to upper must be proÂvidÂed, up to now it isnt.
The fireÂfox glitch is still on btw, I had to open the dreadÂed IE to leave a comÂment :/
BegÂgars can’t be choosers!
Thanks very much for listÂing this selecÂtion of coursÂes. I realÂly valÂue these online learnÂing mateÂriÂals.
So right about time:
I’ve takÂen math coursÂes here at MIT, StanÂford, Yale and some CosÂmolÂoÂgy coursÂes at othÂer instiÂtuÂtions which I don’t rememÂber offÂhand. The Yale course was so good that it brings tears of gratÂiÂtude for the proÂfesÂsor who taught it.
If HarÂvard is anyÂwhere near as good I will be more than pleased.
Does one get cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion for the courses…how can i prove ive underÂtakÂen a cerÂtain course.
would one be givÂen a cerÂtifiÂcate after the course and how can i prove i ve underÂtakÂen a cerÂtain course? STELLA
I am also wonÂderÂing if there is some type of cerÂtifiÂcate if you comÂplete the open course?
A gold mine! Thank you so much! <3
A gold mine! Thank you so much! <3
I don’t believe there is “cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion” offered as there’s no gradÂing involved. Think of it as a self-paced audit, takÂen for your own ediÂfiÂcaÂtion only.
Maybe? until its matuÂriÂty is when one can tell its intendÂed goal’s cons and pros else its a noble idea, knowlÂedge is probÂaÂble in evoÂluÂtion.
Hi,i am 42 old male and i would like to study course of biolÂoÂgy or biotecnology,but i dont know where can i find one of this coursÂes for free or with certificate.I would like to start from zero in your uniÂverÂsiÂty and do exams online becouse i am livÂing in Barcelona,Spain.Harvard, can you help me?Thank you.Regards.
I m morocÂcan citÂiÂzen; i use to live in the states since 1995; unforÂtuÂnatly i get back home by volÂunÂtry deparÂture after i was over stay for long time in the usa studing and wokÂing on my owne . NOW I M STACKED here in my morocÂco and im not aliÂgiÂble to returne :cause im still under bare of ten years i have spent untill now 6 YEARS REMANING 4 OTHER YEARS as I
admire AMERICAN LAW i realy want to study it in these 4years ; please i need helpe how to start? WHERE CAN I HAVE FREE COURSES AND EXAMS BEST REGARDS
I am an MIT stuÂdent at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of NewÂcasÂtle in AusÂtralia.
Intereted in sharÂing ideas and learnÂing about resources etc.
Hi Guys,
If I finÂish this online course do I get any comÂpleÂtion cerÂtifiÂcate ?
I wud like to say a shout out to all those that enroled in dis free course with me
I do like to get an course of comÂputÂer basics and skills.
Great job.….….!
sir I am frome Pakistan.My qualÂifeÂcaÂtion is MSC in ECONOMICS.I am MARKITING proÂfasstionÂal sinc 1996.Befor hree years i got a apparchuÂniÂty to teach in a priÂvate high school.Where i know that i have good skils of teachÂing. I wants to imrove my qualÂifeÂcaÂtions by online teacher tranÂing courses.If you can guide me .I am greateÂfull to you.thanks.amjad
love to see open coursÂes like these. I’m a NigerÂian, interÂestÂed in entreÂpreÂneurÂship and like to learn a lot from HarÂvard, are there coursÂes offered in that area?
Hi felÂlow online stuÂdents, I also thought as much about the cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion; I guess there might not be. HowÂevÂer if any of you receives one or knows someÂone that have received,please notiÂfy me via (ni*********@gm***.com). The whole scheme is simÂply fun! ENJOY!
I also signed up for HarÂvard’s “NationÂal Health PolÂiÂcy” — Its just ObaÂma’s polÂiÂcy handÂbook. ObviÂousÂly designed so you can get a cerÂtifiÂcate and a job sellÂing health insurÂance online. No disÂcusÂsion of pros or cons of ObaÂmacare. ComÂpleteÂly stuÂpid course.
HighÂer learnÂing is always of valÂue espeÂcialÂly when applied in a posÂiÂtive light.