Jerome GroopÂman, the New YorkÂer staff writer and HarÂvard med school prof, has editÂed The Best AmerÂiÂcan SciÂence WritÂing 2010 - a new colÂlecÂtion that brings togethÂer “the most cruÂcial, thought-proÂvokÂing, and engagÂing sciÂence writÂing” durÂing the past 12 months. The 368 page book runs $10.19 online. But before you run out and buy it, let me say this: you can read many of the colÂlectÂed essays online for free. The Truth About Grit by JonÂah Lehrer; My Genome, My Self by Steven Pinker; Are We Still EvolvÂing? by KathÂleen McAuÂliÂffe – they’re among 16 essays availÂable online, and they’re all includÂed in a handy list pulled togethÂer by MetafilÂter. MeanÂwhile, if you want to read these essays latÂer on (when you have some time to delve into longer artiÂcles) give InstapaÂper a try. As I’ve menÂtioned before, it’s a great way to read texts in a clean forÂmat on the iPad, iPhone, and KinÂdle.
I read it, not very good
I canÂnot say the final word yet. I still have to read those essays. I will sureÂly put my review/comment here once I’m done readÂing. It’s realÂly worthÂwhile to read free essays.
Great post man! I always folÂlow your blog because it is full of comÂpelling inforÂmaÂtion about varÂiÂous things. I like to read this post because I met so many new facts about it actuÂalÂly. It’s realÂly great that I noticed this post. Thank you very much again for sharÂing this inforÂmaÂtive artiÂcle. Many thanks,
I canÂnot say the final word yet. I still have to read those essays. I will sureÂly put my review/comment here once I’m done readÂing.
looks so good, i need a KinÂdle :)