Famed British artist David HockÂney startÂed creÂatÂing art for the iPhone in 2008, and then for the iPad this year, using nothÂing but his finÂgers and this handy BrushÂes app. IniÂtialÂly, HockÂney only shared his digÂiÂtal drawÂings with a small cirÂcle of friends. But now he’s makÂing that cirÂcle much largÂer. StartÂing in late OctoÂber, HockÂney’s digÂiÂtal finÂger paintÂing went on disÂplay at the FonÂdaÂtion Pierre Berge-Yves Saint LauÂrent in Paris. The exhiÂbiÂtion, entiÂtled Fleurs fraĂ®chÂes (Fresh FlowÂers), runs until JanÂuÂary 30, 2011. Here, HockÂney explains the basic thinkÂing behind the exhiÂbiÂtion, and here you can samÂple some of the digÂiÂtal works on disÂplay. Just click and scroll down.
Thanks Ian in Brazil for sendÂing this our way…