Sundance Film Festival 2011 on YouTube’s Screening Room

A quick note for film afi­ciona­dos: The 2011 edi­tion of the Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val is now under­way. And over the next two weeks, The YouTube Screen­ing Room will bring you short films from fes­ti­vals past and present. Right now, you can watch four new films by up-and-com­ing direc­tors – 8 Bits, Andy and Zach, The High Lev­el Bridge, and Skateis­tan: To Live and Skate in Kab­ul (above). More new films will be added on Jan­u­ary 27th and Feb­ru­ary 3rd. In the mean­time, you can catch sev­er­al oth­er short films that orig­i­nal­ly played at Sun­dance, or were made by Sun­dance Insti­tute alum­ni.


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.