Star Wars is a Remix

Kir­by Fer­gu­son is back. Last Sep­tem­ber, the writer/director released the first of a four-part film series – Every­thing is a Remix – that teas­es apart the long his­to­ry of artis­tic “remix­ing.” This first short film con­cen­trat­ed on the artis­tic bor­row­ings of musi­cians and writ­ers, with Led Zep­pelin and the Beat writ­ers get­ting the major focus. Now, with his sec­ond film, the atten­tion turns to film, and par­tic­u­lar­ly to the homages and bor­row­ings of George Lucas’ Star Wars. Aki­ra Kuro­sawa films, Spaghet­ti west­erns and John Wayne west­erns, clas­sic wartime movies, Leni Riefen­stahl pro­pa­gan­da films, Fritz Lang’s Metrop­o­lis – they’re all remixed into the epic space dra­ma. The film wraps up with Fer­gu­son look­ing at Quentin Taran­ti­no and his own remix­ing ten­den­cies. And that sets the stage for parts 3 and 4 – a project that you can help finance in your own mod­est way. I’m sure Kir­by will appre­ci­ate your gen­eros­i­ty…

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  • Hoopermazing says:

    You missed the most obvi­ous thing from which Star Wars was ripped off, Frank Her­bert’s Dune. It’s a good 65% Dune.

  • James says:

    There’s also sim­i­lar­i­ties with “Lawrence of Ara­bia”. Tatooine is a desert plan­et; Mark Hamill and Peter O’Tool are sim­i­lar in apear­ance; Luke Sky­walk­er, and Major Lawrence both wear Arab style cloth­ing; both fight gueril­la wars against an empire(the Galac­tic Empire, the Ottoman Empire).

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