Usman Riaz began playÂing clasÂsiÂcal piano at 6, then took up the guiÂtar at 16. Fast forÂward four years, and you have this — the 20-year old Riaz playÂing his song “FireÂfly” in a music video that’s more like a mini indie arts film than anyÂthing else. At times, Riaz plays his MarÂtin XC1t like a piano keyÂboard, but, all along, you can hear his acknowlÂedged influÂences — Kaki King, Michael Hedges, Don Ross and, of course, JimÂmy Page. (Don’t miss these relatÂed videos.) You can learn more about the Karachi musiÂcian in this two-part interÂview here and here, and also find his short album, FlashÂes and Sparks, on AmaÂzon here.
via 3 Quarks DaiÂly
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This is aweÂsome. Hard to believe he has only been playin guiÂtar for four years. What do you call this style of playÂing the guiÂtar?
AweÂsome! Love it! :-)
AweÂsome! Love it! :-)
Love to jam with ya someÂtime..
Love to jam with ya someÂtime..
the young man has a natÂurÂal PrinceÂly bow
he has MORE than masÂtered this musiÂcal instruÂment …
lots of notes but very litÂtle music, the techÂniques are done well but not stelÂlar like some othÂer playÂers, his licks are very bedÂroom. Folks go look at some othÂer artists in this case even the smoke and mirÂrors are good at best not much more. Theres many more excitÂing playÂers that can play faster, betÂter, more innoÂvÂaÂtive and they write great stuff with a melody this comÂpoÂsiÂtion is patchÂwork.
Any advice?
check out more of his work!!!!
check out more of his work!!!
amazÂing!!! SlightÂly simÂiÂlar to Erik MonÂgrain, but he has some uniqueÂness. :-)AweÂsome stuff!!!