How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built: A New Theory in 3D Animation

Jean-Pierre Houdin spent a cou­ple of decades work­ing as an inde­pen­dent archi­tect around Paris. Then, his career took a big turn. Work­ing with his father, Houdin tried to crack an ancient mys­tery — how were the great pyra­mids of Egypt built?

Through­out the cen­turies, var­i­ous the­o­ries have been put forth. Herodotus, who vis­it­ed Egypt around 450 B.C., spec­u­lat­ed that some “machines” were involved. Oth­ers thought that mounds serv­ing as ramps played a cen­tral role in the con­struc­tion. And still oth­ers have guessed that extrater­res­tri­als were the real builders (seri­ous­ly).

Now Houdin enters into the debate with what Egyp­tol­o­gist Bob Brier calls a “rad­i­cal new the­o­ry.” Using state-of-the-art 3‑D soft­ware, Houdin has con­clud­ed that the bot­tom por­tion of the pyra­mids were built with an exter­nal ramp, and the upper por­tions with inter­nal ramps. Brier sum­ma­rizes the the­o­ry rather well in this short arti­cle.

Houd­in’s work has focused par­tic­u­lar­ly on the Great Pyra­mid of Giza, oth­er­wise known as the Pyra­mid of Khu­fu, built cir­ca 2500 B.C. (See image here). And he has gone so far as to cre­ate a 3D inter­ac­tive film that visu­al­ly doc­u­ments his hypoth­e­sis. We’ve embed­ded a good clip above. You can also head to Khu­fu Reborn to get the full inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence. (Note: You’ll need a PC, 3D glass­es and some down­load­able plu­g­ins to make it all work.)

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Comments (66)
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  • Remi says:

    Hey Dan!

    Nice arti­cle you wrote! I want­ed to point out that there’s a new video for that top­ic here:



  • Not buy­ing the har­mon­ics the­o­ry?

  • Archie Quinn says:

    Just anoth­er the­o­ry, this guy actu­al­ly worked it out in sim­ple physics and can be repro­duced with­out vast num­bers of peo­ple

  • Brian Joffin says:

    Ok if this is true then let’s see it built! I think you’ll find it fails! Under­stand­ing the achieve­ment of the Pyra­mids requires an under­stand­ing that human beings and the earth evolve and have had dif­fer­ent capa­bil­i­ties through the eons..

  • Merovetyt says:

    Let’s say it’s Wednes­day. You go back in time to Tues­day and place a block on the ground. You then go back to Mon­day and place a block on the ground in the exact same place. That is what hap­pened.

  • Hi

    I’m Pet­ros Pet­rosyan.
    I now live in Chica­go.

    Atten­tion please!

    1. The pyra­mid is not a sep­ul­cher of Pharaoh and the pur­pose of its con­struc­tion was not on this plane.
    2. The huge vol­ume of the infor­ma­tion is ciphered with use of the geo­met­ri­cal form of a pyra­mid.
    3. The basic mod­el of the Pyra­mid cipher was estab­lished.
    The basic mod­el of the code of a pyra­mid is formed of 365 small pyra­mids which con­sist at 14 steps of mod­el of the code.

    Pyra­mid is ciphered mes­sage, It is sim­ply improb­a­ble.

    Please Go to:

    Full Arti­cle: ;

    Thanks, Pet­ros M.Petrosyan

  • earl says:

    could the pyra­mids have been built to pro­tect peo­ple from solar flares pri­or to the ero­sion of thus they were cov­ered in a reflec­tive lay­er and this show i was watch­ing stat­ed that the pyra­mids pro­tect­ed a hand full of egy­tians from a solar flare and with the longevi­ty of there exis­tance could point toward the fact that aside from a pro­fat­ic use the pyra­mids could have been built in an effort to ensure the sur­vival of futur gen­er­a­tions

  • lala brown says:


  • Theo J says:

    Bri­an — We have bare­ly evolved since the upper pale­olith­ic (14,000 years ago). If an ancient egypt­ian baby was born now then he/she would have prob­a­bly as much capa­bil­i­ty at com­put­er sci­ence when it grew up as we do now.

  • Pamela Ridings says:

    Awsome , I,m always look­ing at this stuff

  • Bruno says:

    Oh well kids, stop talk­ing about Aliens, it’s always aliens aliens aliens aliens with you, shut up.

    In the pyra­mide years, Vil­lagers had noth­ing bet­ter to do than build, farm, eat and sleep.

    There’s 24hours a day, it always been like that, Earth haven’t changed since this time. So, what do you do when you’re not sleep­ing? First years of your life you can play and learn, when you become an adult, what do you do? You’re not hav­ing fun play­ing any­more and you can’t have fun with TV and work 8hours a day for you paid…

    That’s prob­a­bly why they were build­ing pyra­mids, they had time for it, and it’s kin­da grat­i­fi­ant to know that you have build this.

    If you had to this a pharaon which could be com­pared to a dic­ta­tor and an idiot with a book say­ing ”If you don’t do that the gods will kill you” like Chris­tians and Mus­lims…

    There’s no rea­son to look over space.

  • Missing Link says:

    Clear­ly the videos author is an alien. Seri­ous­ly, Jesus built the pyra­mids. Every­one knows that. Duh.

  • Henk koens says:

    Hey Dan, good arti­cle.

    I admire the work of mr. Houdin but it is very sophis­ti­cat­ed.

    There is anoth­er and more sim­ple inves­ti­ga­tion, inter­est­ing to know.
    See next link:

  • The pyra­mid blocks were cast out of lime­stone, lime and diatoma­ceous earth.

  • Craig says:

    Hi Dan, just fyi, the image you linked to in the arti­cle for the Great Pyra­mid is actu­al­ly a pho­to of Khafre’s Pyra­mid, the mid­dle of three on the Giza Necrop­o­lis.

  • Edie says:

    What a feat! They were studs. Amaz­ing to the­o­rize on how this was done!

  • Matthew says:

    Tru­ly fas­ci­nat­ing, but the pyra­mids weren’t just built by “work­ers”. They were built by slaves. To not call them as such is dis­re­spect­ful to the long, rich his­to­ry of the Jew­ish peo­ple. That said, I’m ful­ly aware that social jus­tice is not the point of this video.

    • Daniel Kalban says:

      WRONG!nnnThe Jews weren’t enslaved until like­ly the reigns of Seti I and Ram­ses II in the New King­dom peri­od; and they would have built cities and tem­ples, NOT pyra­mids. The pyra­mids were built dur­ing the Old King­dom period.nnnAnd the pyra­mids were built by the farm­ers dur­ing the flood sea­son where they could­n’t work the fields.nnnAnd BTW I’m a Jew with a lot of Egyp­tol­ogy knowl­edge, so don’t even TRY to dis­agree

    • Daniel Kalban says:

      WRONG!nnnThe Jews weren’t enslaved until like­ly the reigns of Seti I and Ram­ses II in the New King­dom peri­od; and they would have built cities and tem­ples, NOT pyra­mids. The pyra­mids were built dur­ing the Old King­dom period.nnnAnd the pyra­mids were built by the farm­ers dur­ing the flood sea­son where they could­n’t work the fields.nnnAnd BTW I’m a Jew with a lot of Egyp­tol­ogy knowl­edge, so don’t even TRY to dis­agree

  • Joe says:

    “To not call them as such is dis­re­spect­ful to the long, rich his­to­ry of the Jew­ish peo­ple.”

    What are you talk­ing about? There’s no evi­dence out­side of the Old Tes­ta­ment indi­cat­ing that the Hebrews ever inhab­it­ed Pharaon­ic Egypt. What’s more, we have records of the wages that the work­ers were paid.

    • Daniel Kalban says:

      Actu­al­ly archae­o­log­i­cal evi­dence shows that there was a Hebrew pop­u­la­tion in Egypt at the pos­si­ble time of the Exo­dus. The thing is that that would have like­ly been in the reigns of Seti I and Ram­ses II, and not the time of the pyra­mids

  • quand vous com­plantez les pyra­mides & les empires antiques de toutes cette époque . dis moi com­ment on t ils fais pour bouger des mass­es de pier­res qui font des tonnes & étre aus­si bien align­er . je crois pas a la théories d esclaves avec leurs sim­ples out­ils. quand on regarde bien les pier­res ont été tra­vailler avec des machines . cer­tains sci­en­tifiques dis­ent bien qu une aide est bien venu de l espace . moi aus­si je suis cer­taine . je suis con­sciente que des mon­des existe comme le notre les pyra­mides & bien autres choses nous le prou­ves .

  • Invisobel says:

    This all seems real­ly com­pli­cat­ed and I don’t under­stand engin­imeer­ing and such. So I’m just gonna go with aliens.

  • Blackjackshellac says:

    state-of-the-art? That pre­sen­ta­tion needs some work. The work­ers are also a lit­tle too white.

  • tim says:

    Dan —

    Dan­ger­ous Minds was where I found my link via Face­book.


  • Randy says:

    This is laugh­able. The size of the actu­al blocks used in the build­ing are 20 times the size shown in the video. No won­der he was an unem­ployed er, inde­pen­dent archi­tect for 20 yrs.

  • james says:

    Who built the pyra­mids and why? who knows but it was cer­tain­ly not the pharaohs.They align with Ori­ons belt 11,500 years ago.The civil­i­sa­tion dur­ing the time of the pharaohs evolved around the all ready con­struct­ed Giza pyramids.When the Egyp­tians tried to copy the Giza pyra­mids they screwed them up and built mon­u­ments instead and buried their dead roy­al­ty in a hole in the ground.If the ancients did in fact have the will,knowledge and intel­li­gence to con­struct such won­ders what did they do after they fin­ished them,go back to being stu­pid? One won­ders because you would expect some oth­er lega­cy from the knowl­edge gained from build­ing such unbe­liev­able structures,roads,bridges,town plan­ning perhaps,but alas not much.nWonder who did build them?

  • Ernest Bizzell says:

    Look into Christo­pher Dunn. The mod­i­fied hydraulic ram pump in the low­er sec­tions of the great pyra­mid show us they float­ed the blocks into place. There is also rumi­nants of a wall. Jilt around the pyra­mid like they were enclos­ing water like lock­sn

  • Ernest Bizzell says:


  • Tojotomi says:

    this the­o­ry is nonsens…its so hard to do tun­nels inside of pyra­mids like this. how they cov­er this tun­nels after they fin­ish? and how they build this tun­nels inside of pyra­mids? I cant ima­g­in how. well I can but for me is so com­pli­cat­ed for real­i­sa­tion. You need to start build­ing a base­ment and after that you need to start think­ing how the tun­nels will be made. With tun­nels is all sta­t­ic of the build­ing process much more dif­fi­cult. I dont believe this the­o­ry. This the­o­ry is not answer­ing the main ques­tion. How they build walls out­side of this tun­nels? They must do it some­how. The inside tun­nels sys­tem for me is not the answer.

  • Jesse CRAIGNOU says:

    Ten men ? Is this a joke ?nnTen men to move stones that weighed up to hun­dreds of tonnes ?nnThe ques­tion remains:nif ancient peo­ple indeed had the tech­nol­o­gy to built those mon­u­ments then whyn­did they live in caves and mud huts when they could have designed cities and­ncivil­i­sa­tions that last­ed for­ev­er ? Not to men­tion the fact that this wouldnhave required at least ten times the pop­u­la­tion that was around back thenu2026 Mostn­sci­en­tif­ic expla­na­tions per­tain­ing to the way those were built have since been­nproved wrongu2026 and most of them verg­ing on non­sense u2026

  • Daniel Kalban says:

    Oh not stu­pid peo­ple say­ing it was aliens, or mag­ic, or any­thing stupid.nnnSeriously, archae­ol­o­gy has shown it was built by man pow­er by the farm­ers who could­n’t work the fields dur­ing the flood season.nnnYEESH!

    • Lucius says:

      Arche­ol­o­gy is irrel­e­vant. Engi­neer­ing is the sci­ence that needs to be applied to the build­ing of Giza.

      • Daniel Kalban says:

        Sor­ry, but as archae­ol­o­gy is need­ed for this, you are wrong.nnArchaeology, hav­ing found evi­dence, has the facts.

        • Lucius says:

          Per­haps you’d be so good as to explain how an arche­ol­o­gist can ana­lyze con­struc­tion engi­neer­ing on this scale. What ‘evi­dence’ and ‘facts’ have arche­ol­o­gists ‘found’ regard­ing the con­struc­tion of Giza, as there are no extant records? Only a con­struc­tion engi­neer or archi­tect is qual­i­fied to ana­lyze such struc­tures. Arche­ol­o­gy is a ‘social sci­ence’ not a hard sci­ence. It stud­ies arti­facts in their cul­tur­al con­text, it does not sup­plant geol­o­gy, mate­ri­als sci­ence, engi­neer­ing or archi­tec­ture which prop­er­ly ana­lyze stone and the con­struc­tion tech­niques uti­lized by builders. Your pre­sump­tion that I am wrong is based on prej­u­dice, that is all.

          • Daniel Kalban says:

            You for­got that archae­ol­o­gists find arti­facts, paint­ings, papyrus, etc?nnnAnd that there are archae­ol­o­gists that spe­cial­ize in ancient engineering?nnnSorry, but archae­ol­o­gy trumps your stu­pid alien the­o­ry.

          • Lucius says:

            For­get? I men­tioned arti­facts. Can you read? And alien? Where did I men­tion alien? You have your head in a very dark place. And as there are no papyri or arti­facts relat­ed to the con­struc­tion of Giza you’re piss­ing up a rope. Go back to school, you’re wast­ing my time.

          • Daniel Kalban says:

            The fact you resort to insults proves my point.nnThe fact you ignore every­thing that archae­ol­o­gy, which includes engi­neer­ing dis­ci­plines, is some­what dis­turbs me.nnnArchaeology per­haps is too slow for you; but slow and steady finds the facts.nnnWhy are you so dis­mis­sive of the idea that men, using prim­i­tive machines, can cre­ate won­ders?

  • Lucius says:

    And how were the 70 ton gran­ite blocks actu­al­ly maneu­vered per­fect­ly into place to cre­ate the ‘king’s cham­ber’? How were the ‘weight reliev­ing’ cham­bers above the king’s cham­ber con­struct­ed and the angled roof slabs secured in place? And how was the descend­ing pas­sage to the ‘sub­ter­ranean cham­ber’ carved out of bedrock? With mal­lets and chis­els? And all of this with prim­i­tive tools by man pow­er alone? This is laughable.nnThis attempt to explain the con­struc­tion of the Great Pyra­mid is as fatal­ly flawed as any oth­er. The con­struc­tion and decon­struc­tion of mas­sive exter­nal and inter­nal ramps would have tak­en as much effort as the con­struc­tion of the pyra­mid itself. And then the idea of using wood­en sleds and wood­en rails to move these blocks is patent­ly ridicu­lous. Mas­sive mul­ti-ton blocks of stone would grind wood to pulp. And even so, where was all this incred­i­bly durable hard wood import­ed from? nnWhen Herodotus vis­it­ed Giza he was told that the builders used what he called a ‘device’ or ‘machine’. The Greek word does not denote a spe­cif­ic thing, it is a gen­er­al term because his guides had no idea what this ‘device’ actu­al­ly was. But they did know that some unknown engi­neer­ing tech­nol­o­gy was used. The con­struc­tion of Giza is a mys­tery that will not be solved until the tech­nol­o­gy used by the builders is known.

  • Guest says:

    epic fail, eight peo­ple car­ry­ing 20 tons? to build the Pyra­mid of Giza took 21 years, tak­ing into account the dis­place­ment of the stones and fit­ting would nesces­sario 5 min­utes per stone. it is impos­si­ble to be per­formed, pyra­mids are of extrater­res­tri­al ori­gin

  • Rafael Bahia says:

    epic fail, eight peo­ple car­ry­ing 20 tons? to build the Pyra­mid of Giza took 21 years, tak­ing into account the dis­place­ment of the stones and fit­ting would take 5 min­utes per stone. it is impos­si­ble to be per­formed, pyra­mids are of extrater­res­tri­al ori­gin

  • Rafael Bahia says:

    not to men­tion the cut­ting of stones …

  • ben marshall says:

    The less you know about any­thing, the more aliens had to do it.

  • Jan Schaffelaar says:

    How to build the ancient Egypt­ian Great Pyra­mid ?nnSee a real­is­tic and sim­ple idea.nn

  • Knox Warner says:

    I respect Mr. Houdin, but it could not have hap­pened this way. His the­o­ry goes wrong with every inno­va­tion he intro­duces, and it ends up with cre­at­ing more ques­tions than it answers, eg, how could the cor­ners of the pyra­mid pos­si­bly be filled in from the inside at the pro­jec­t’s end? I’ll be intro­duc­ing anoth­er the­o­ry lat­er in the year. It’s prob­a­bly the answer.

  • Nicole Wolff says:

    I’m in the Egyp­tol­ogy study group at my high­school, and this the­o­ry makes the most sense out of all that have been pre­sent­ed. Thanks for all of the help.


    The short­est dis­tance between two points is a straight line. Lever­age is the answer. Beau­ty is skin deep. Rub­ble was used for the inner core of the pyra­mids. This is how the Pyra­mids were able to be built in a time­ly fash­ion. How can you turn a 2.5 ton block around a cor­ner? The amount of men need­ed to pull a block to a cor­ner would have run off the pyra­mid. Just once I would like to see some­one trans­port a 2.5 ton block from the quar­ry even to the sec­ond lay­er of a Pyra­mid. Float­ing blocks with inflat­ed pig skins? you would need prob­a­bly 500 inflat­ed pig skins to float a 2.5 ton block! Give me a break. Inte­ri­or pas­sage ways to haul blocks? Can you imag­ine how many miles of pas­sage ways you would have to build! And then there are those cor­ners. I do not have the one answer because I believe there were many answers all used at the same time. Like any mas­sive build­ing today you have many stages being built at the same time. The pyra­mids were prob­a­bly built from the inside out and the out­side in all at the same time. I sur­mise that there are many emp­ty cam­bers and or cav­i­ties with­in the pyra­mids. I also believe that, like the great wall of Chi­na, that many a work­er who died while build­ing the pyra­mids are buried with­in the pyra­mids as an hon­or of their par­tic­i­pa­tion. What­ev­er the answer to build­ing the pyra­mids I believe the answer was a sim­ple one oth­er­wise they would not have been built.


    The inside ramp the­o­ry? First I would like to see a wood­en hoist at any giv­en cor­ner raise a 2.5 ton stone? Sec­ond I would like to know how the cor­ner nich­es were com­plet­ed? Wood­en sleds to trans port stones? Can you imag­ine how long a wood­en sled would last from fric­tion being pulled up a stone ramp and I don’t care wether you put down wet sand, mud, oil or what­ev­er? Don’t for­get that while the men are pulling the stone for­ward in actu­al­i­ty the 2.5ton stone is pulling the men back­wards and down. So where on the stone do you place the rope so the men aren’t pulled down? See­ing is believ­ing. Only one inte­ri­or ramp has been found. Please don’t tell me you know there are more with­out prov­ing it. Houd­in’s the­o­ry is just that. A dis­ap­point­ing one at that. 20 years of inves­ti­gat­ing means noth­ing if your the­o­ry has many holes in it. Those cor­ners! Those hoists!? From what I under­stand the Egyp­tians did not have the wheel at that time . Yet they used wheel type hoists? Don’t you think that they would have made the leap from a roller to a wheel? Bar­ney Rub­ble. Can you imag­ine how many 2.5 ton stone blocks would have been saved by using rub­ble as a filler? And there must have been tons of rub­ble left over from carv­ing out the stone blocks. Take for exam­ple the Wall of Chi­na. The inte­ri­or of the walls are rub­ble. @ mil­lion blocks indeed. How does any­body know? A block laid every 2 min­utes. Please the Egyp­tians where a lot smarter and resource­ful that that.


    Any­thing is pos­si­ble! That is my belief. My take on ALIENS build­ing the pyra­mids is sim­ple. If Aliens had any­thing to do with the pyra­mids I would think that the pyra­mids would be a thou­sand times bet­ter.


    Hear Ye, Hear Ye. There should be a law against any per­son or per­sons say­ing that they have “SOLVED THE BUILDING OF THE PYRAMIDS”. Unless they were there to me that is false adver­tis­ing. It seems that any­one with a half baked the­o­ry can put togeth­er a DVD show­ing their the­o­ry of the build­ing of the Pyra­mids and then make a prof­it of it from a dvid pyra­mid enthu­si­asts. Only to have all Pyra­midi­ates dis­ap­point­ed after real­iz­ing that said the­o­ry leaves out many obvi­ous unan­swered ques­tions.

  • robert tayloe says:

    the pyra­mids may have been built by farm­ers dur­ing the flood season,but where did the flood waters go while they were build­ing ? did they tread water to build them,or did they move far­ther away from the flood? just a thought…also the tun­nels do not make sense,why would you ever chance mak­ing a sta­ble form unsta­ble by tun­nel­ing around it ? besides ‚mov­ing that kind of weight not to mention,they were not mus­cu­lar people,they were farmers,not body builders. maybe ele­phants were used to help pull those heavy weights up on log rolls,but ten men ? how many men today could push a buick up an incline like the pyra­mids had back then ??? i have read that some of those stones weighed 7 tons,some more and some less…a car weighs about 2100 pounds,some more some less,and on a flat sur­face it takes one man to strain to move it,but you put it on a 30 degree slope and you have no move­ment by one man,maybe 15 or 20 men,but not one…2000 pounds is not bad on lev­el ground,but you have to remem­ber that any incline will require more,and sev­er­al tons will require more than ten.…besides grow­ing up in the 50’s and 60’s ‚the way things were put in books shows that they were built by pulling those stones on logs ( rolling them ) up the slopes,and there was a lot more than ten men pulling them…even in the fields the men used cows,horses,yaks to help them plow the fields,if they could pull those stones of tons of weight ‚then they could plow their fields by their selves with­out any help.…and if you real­ly think about it,the mayans also had carv­ings of rock­ets ‚as well as the egyp­tians did …and the mayans also had the carv­ings of an astro­naut …so the alien the­o­ry is not far fetched as you say…today we see all over the mexican,cuban,russian,and amer­i­can videos of actu­al air craft of a dif­fer­ent origin,on face book,and in the declas­si­fied mate­r­i­al of the gov­’t that has been ver­i­fied …so it is pos­si­ble for their help in the con­struc­tion of these pyramids…besides the sphinx is now said to be 14,000 years old instead of 4,000 ‚because of ero­sion ..some­thing to think about.

  • robert tayloe says:

    you have a point Andrew G.
    those the­o­ries are just that a theory..just like mine.but you real­ly have to think,that was a lot of weight being moved..
    just like stone­henge those stones were sev­er­al hun­dred tons.
    and not only that ‚very magnetic,with some very bad side effects if you used any kind of met­al wire or rod to point at it.
    i read where a reporter point­ed a clothes hang­er at it and got knocked on his butt.…there are things that we just can­not explain in this world…like you said, ” unless we were there when they were built,we know noth­ing,..” except what oth­ers think,lol

  • omran says:

    Sci­en­tist Rabah Shan­ti have solved this issue.

    Pyra­mids were built using mag­net­ic and acoustic lev­i­ta­tion.

    Pyra­mids were used as ports for tele­por­ta­tion. Inter­est­ing facts and answers to many issues relat­ed to pyra­mids. Can google his name to fur­ther learn about his the­o­ries and explanations.…worth read­ing them to open new hori­zons for think­ing out of the box.

  • Alfred says:

    Slaves most like­ly but not Hebrews.As slaves they would be naked too low in sta­tus to wear clothes.

  • Katie Sorensen says:

    Just a quick com­ment for any­one try­ing to use the link for Khu­fu Reborn. The link in the text has been changed and now redi­rects you to the Das­sault Sys­temes home page. The updat­ed link is:

  • alan christ says:

    You are all crazy and do not have a clue how to build such a struc­ture.. In order to build the struc­ture you would first have to build what is inside the struc­ture …In oth­er words if you can’t build whats inside then your metod falls short „ thats all game over for 99% of the field..

    I said 99%,.. there is only 0ne method that shows you how to build the com­plete struc­ture it called the DDC PYRAMID CONSTRUCTION METHOD..and it can do it with­out lift­ing a block…

    The three main tools are exca­va­tion, a down ramp , and sand..

    I have only post­ed the first half of the artile and there is no one cor­rect method ..

    you can do a goole search The Dig Down Con­cept of Pyra­mid Con­struc­tion or The DDC Pyra­mid Con­struc­tion Method .. click on link it will take you to the arti­cle in Every­body­Wi­ki More will be added in time

    The DDC is Cor­rect
    Alan B Christ

  • Alan B Christ says:

    I ‘m going to start off by get­ting rid of 995 OF EVERY METHOD OF PYRAMID CONSTRUCTION

    Can your method of con­struc­tion build the cham­bers and gallery inside the structure..Tyhe answer is NO„. for 99% of them But there is that 1% that canand it can do it using three things .
    These are ..Exca­va­tion„ a Down Ramp ‚and Sand
    and nev­er have to lift a block.. The DDC Pyra­mid Con­struc­tion Method.. will show you how it can be done do a google search or go to every­body wiki and search..

    The method is the only pos­si­ble way it can be done in a TANGABLE WORLD

    The DDC is cor­rect
    and knows all ‚.,
    Alan B Christ

  • Lauren says:

    I just woke up from a dream that revealed to me that pyra­mids are built from the inside and it is the prop­er align­ment of the rocks (amethysts, dia­monds, gold, jade, etc) that are cru­cial in the first stages. Also the con­struc­tion begins in under­ground caves and until you are able to see things a cer­tain way for your­self, you’ll not be able to access this infor­ma­tion, but once you are able to see it, you can eas­i­ly be a part of it. It was just a dream but it felt more real than real life.

  • Alan Christ says:

    The DDC can show you how it was done using a hole a down­ramp and sand.. hare’s the the part that would have allowed them to dig that holle from a a ridge­line it was about 125 ft this allowed them to dig anoth­er 125 ft down they now would be able to push the blocks down­hill to the pyra­mid As long as your down­ramp is about 26 degrees sloed down­hill yuo would need the men to slow the block down 250 ft will get them right at the top of the releif cham­bers men built the pyra­mids we can talk about how to build the inner cham­bers next OK let con­tin­ue my childern­this is the frist thing you need to under­stand

    Con­struc­tion of the pyra­mids of Giza

    The fact now that the sur­face lev­el of the area to the west of Cheops pyra­mid reach­es + 110 m does not mean that it was the orig­i­nal height before its con­struc­tion, as shown in (Fig. 3). More­over as up men­tioned, the oth­er part of the formation—the Moqattam—on the east of the Nile is hav­ing an ele­va­tion + 200 m. Hav­ing this fact, and inves­ti­gat­ing the for­ma­tion of the stones of the build­ing mate­r­i­al of the pyra­mid and the ground sur­face where pyra­mids were built, one could eas­i­ly find that the for­mer one was cho­sen from the upper stra­tum of Eoce­nean site while the lat­ter one is the orig­i­nal low­er dense stra­tum of the Eoce­nean which was used as a base for the struc­ture, as shown in (Fig. 4a).

    In the mean time, to have the three pyra­mids visu­al­ly well per­ceived from Iunu, their bases’ lev­els acquired 10 m dif­fer­ence from each oth­er i.e. Khufu’s was on + 60 m, Khafre’s on + 70 m, and Menkaure’s on + 80 m. By men­tion­ing that, the sum of mass­es of the pyra­mids almost reached 13.5 mil­lion tons, it should be said that as this was the dynam­ic weight, the equiv­a­lent sta­t­ic weight in place pri­or to the con­struc­tion was five or six times, i.e. 67.5 or 81 mil­lion tons. That was the net weight of the blocks but, if we con­sid­er the wast­ed ruble result­ed from shap­ing the blocks that num­ber could eas­i­ly have been dou­bled i.e. around 160 mil­lion tons. If the plateau was con­sid­ered as the area between the con­tour lines of?+?60 and + 80, then the area was 797,692.5 m². That means that the height of that area could have reached lev­el + 160 m or high­er. So, that height was used as the build­ing mate­r­i­al in situ for the pyra­mid. Hav­ing that ele­va­tion of the orig­i­nal plateau, the log­ic tells the fact of trans­pos­ing the huge mass­es extract­ed from the high lev­els to lev­els below, and eight ramps were used to roll blocks down. There is an exam­ple of such a ramp in front of the sec­ond pyra­mid [32].

    It is noticed that the Great Pyra­mid was built on a carved out­crop using the exist­ing topog­ra­phy at the time of its con­struc­tion. The part of orig­i­nal hill con­sti­tutes 23% of the vol­ume for the Khufu/Cheops Pyra­mid and the carved out­crop con­sti­tutes 11.5% of Khafre Pyra­mid [19].

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