In 1941, director Dave Fleischer and Paramount Pictures animators Steve Muffati and George Germanetti produced Superman: The Mechanical Monsters — a big-budget animated adaptation of the popular Superman comics of that period, in which a mad scientist unleashes robots to rob banks and loot museums, and Superman, naturally, saves the day. It was one of seventeen films that raised the bar for theatrical shorts and are even considered by some to have given rise to the entire Anime genre.
More than a mere treat of vintage animation, the film captures the era’s characteristic ambivalence in reconciling the need for progress with the fear of technology in a culture on the brink of incredible technological innovation. It was the dawn of the techno-paranoia that persisted through the 1970s, famously captured in the TV series Future Shock narrated by Orson Welles, and even through today. Take for example books like Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows and Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other.
Superman: The Mechanical Monsters is available for download on The Internet Archive, and Toonami Digital Arsenal has the complete series of all seventeen films. Find more vintage animation in Open Culture’s collection of Free Movies Online.
Maria Popova is the founder and editor in chief of Brain Pickings, a curated inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness. She writes for Wired UK, The Atlantic and DesignObserver, and spends a great deal of time on Twitter.
January 15th, 2012
Mr.Clark ®-Kent I,
®-The Daily Planet,
10-East, 53rd Street,
®-New York, ®-New York,
®-©AMERICA 10022.
Cell: (214) 916‑5020; ext’: +937
E‑mail: kent.planet@blue-red-gold.dp.hero
®-©Mr. Alexander Simon,
Field Investigator Of Mind,
Sir William Place,
Suite #305C,
8820–85 Street,
Boonie Doon,
®-©Edmonton, ®-©Alberta
®-©CANADA T6C 3C2.
Tel’.: (780) 469‑9517
Idylwylde Account: #21221018714623.
Dear Mr. ®-Kent (SUPERMAN)!
“The Superman Story: The Life Story Of The Man-Of-Steel … Now In One Incredible Volume!”
Mr. Curt Swan and Mr. Frank Chiaromonte with Writer and close investor to talented and Academy Performance winner; Mr. Martin Pasko hired these two men for the TOR Mr. Tomas Doherty Associates Book of the real occurring Man of Red-Gold-Blue!
The arrangement is okayed by The House of Congress of America of course! The Editor and friend too with investment by the New York Stock Exchange met; Mr. Robert Rozakis born here as Dad (of Yugoslavian of history met his best friend … and blood son … of Edmonton (Austin) here; Mr. Andrew Helfer; and raised $-TRUE!
DC Comics, Inc. (founded in 1934 as National Allied Publications; must be British in investment! If Action Comix Book was won by Washington the read through the original Brutal script! National Publications was one of the companies that would later become DC Comics. The corporation was originally two companies: National Allied Publications (founded by Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson in 1934 to publish the first American comic book with all-original material rather than comic strip reprints) and Detective Comics. If American so; the other daring Crime Fighter Mr. Bruce Wayne and his blood; are English from early America!
How does the Caped Wonder arrive earlier in Washington Direct Circuit from London of England? And Action the American Calvary for killing villains?
This answer is these men of courage are blood related and not properly represented from Canada here; and we are AMERICA!!!!!
I bought and trade comics in the height of childrens Marvel in the 1960s to me! While I do not accept lousy trade I support the talent of Crime Busting Adventure and I need to say Mr. Kent and Mr. Wayne are friends and love the Gap of mother! Never does the Caped wing of England talk of mother; for both he and younger blood wait for re-concilation!
Mr. Kent really did excite the American Paper of The Daily Planet!
Here as a University Graduate of Yale and two solid years in Harvard; (with opposition) toppling the underbug of communism; hated and railed a newpaper proper called the US-Telex; with brother (unknown) then Wayne!!
Here we have a story Gold; and Silver and warm better than a new election for not interested voters to a major audience starving on why the Man-of-Steel and the Caped Wonder never wed their High School (S)weet-Heart?!
Merry is the New Year and that is the Comic Book Industry!
The Deal is two men fought injustice with blood family. The world in worry raised phoney bi-lines; that these courageous in caring males never covered! One point is Superman’s blood mother and father: “A planet is dying; called according to this rare Bible; Krypton; father is in Kryptonopol; (Greek for Edmonton); the mother of Mr. Clark Kent; is claims his (blood) father Jor-el; wants son (Clark) out to sail to Water new Earth; and love alone!
As with the Original Bat-Man Script; baby power is removed and sent sailing the Cosmos to invade the Roman Catholic Created World called Earth?
Best regards out there…,
®-©Mr. Alexander Simon.
Writer Mr. Alexander Simon]
The day was cool as I drank my cup of Joe, waiting
for my next assignment from Alberta.
While working over the RCMP; I noticed a flagrant
Report and headed Ottawa for more Inquiry.
The German Staff was relaying Reposts on a ‘sex-ring;’ pretending to
“out-hand;” the image of Santa Claus.
I derided all accusations and “launched;” an
Investigation by my secrete table; and called the Federal Bureau of Washington
to intercede on my reputation! As the
burning for my Colt-.45; as Mickey Spillane Writer I support;
Edmonton was kool and Winter that February day!!
“Well; she is a well kept Mom;” said Ms Julie
Storm! “I, answered her call.”
She was poised as German cool. She talked cool again; and asked for the
We overviewed why a Santa Claus was centered in a
robbery under a stolen name. I offered a
detail of known in religion pedophiles’!
I held a gun burning “red hot.”
I called Ottawa, again with no avail!! And rested for a German Kall.
For I am Stan Berlin.
I ride for Germany, only. My reason was the red-and-white imposters
took on a German name!!
アプト。 #305 — 8820 ‑85通り、
エドモントン、アルバータT6C 3C2
“ボディコン·モデルは殺しがお好き!?”:今日の答えは “奥様は魔女!“を
辞書のファンク&Wagnallsスタンダードデスクによると、 ‘;‘ヘキサグラム; ‘は6尖ったスターです。インターセクトまたはアセンブリで。 Hexは呪文であり、同じ研究者によって、パズルにすることです。
“広告のホットポイントは、“ウィザードとホワイトをすべて備えた新しいプレミアエピソードである “妻;“の前の才能!私は、この無礼決してキャストのすべての専門家として1つを満たし、ここエドモントンで! MSエリザベスビクトリアモンゴメリーは、手入れの行き届いた家庭用の大きな喜びと私には赤、アイルランド穏やかです!
結婚の練習を回すとステッドを泥棒に嫉妬して興味のある自由な家を保持しているの、何が珍しい撮影と正確なのは “特殊効果“です!
1。 (さんバイオレット冬)、珍しいロンドンの司書は、彼女のすっきりと慎重な夫と結婚している、(氏テッドはバロウズ)。
2。のようなドイツの朝、(ダニエルさん冬は彼女を “採用した友人、希少すぎて数学を愛するブロンドです。
3。 (ミスターライアンシモンズ)、 “信頼できる; ‘ベルギーの会計士はあまりにも彼の母親の名前が大好き!
4 .. (氏とMsゴールディGaland)ネバダ州で、中央には、ドイツ料理を愛し、カナダ中央部で、この氏の冬を満たす!
5。 “ホットポイント;” 1つのアカウント。(MSダイアン·バークレー)を保持していると企業を望んで、ダニエルは成功したようで!
スター眼差しで、フィルムも “既得権益“です!
あまりにもここで撮影。!!であるだけでなくオンWAY XXXXX、私はオリジナルの ” — 魔女のこと“を疑う。
-30 -
March 13, 2012
German Warrior: The Wolf Blass!
Episode Premiere: “The Flying Leather”!
By, Mr. Alexander Simon,
Sir William Place,
# 305, 8820 – 85 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 3C2
Telephone: (780) 466‑9719
“Batman is an American television series, based on the DC comic book character of the same name. It starred Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin — two crime-fighting heroes who defend Gotham City … Gotham City ( /ˈɡɒθəm/ GOTH-əm) is a fictional U.S. city appearing in DC Comics, best known as the home of Batman. Batman’s place of residence was first identified as Gotham City in Batman #4 (Winter 1940) … Congressional oversight is intended to prevent waste and fraud, protect civil liberties and individual rights, ensure executive compliance with the law, gather information for making laws and educating the public, and evaluate executive performance … The day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws is in the hands of the various federal executive departments, created by Congress to deal with specific areas of national and international affairs. The heads of the 15 departments, chosen by the President and approved with the “advice and consent” of the U.S. Senate, form a council of advisers generally known as the President’s “Cabinet”; including approval of a new City Governed and in New York: Gotham! For real proof; examine the Nation Germany (It was established in 1966 by Wolfgang Blass,[1] a German immigrant) and — to Berlin! (Mr.) Wolf Blass is an Australian winery based in South Australia’s Barossa Valley;” and lost no ware to any trade “embargo!” His Mr. Blass found bats amusing and ate with them well while liking their shinny leather! (Oh, appeal)!!
Bat is defined according to the rare a Editorial Staff of Funk & Wagnalls Standard; in Dictionary; by the expert in Geography; Mr. Harold A. Rogers Junior; as accepted by the San Francisco State College: “a nocturnal flying mammal with digits …:” in laymen terms telepathy! Wholesome is intellect with intelligence; and what I will prove is bats are not enemy! And mind of communication without a sound audio too! The caped criminal today knows this and one law must be sent – telepathy against the Nation hearing the Sound Navigation on Registry for crime! If you people doubt; then examine the series Batman? And relay why in the Bat-Cave; two crime fighters are calm and not in war for no idiot fool dared every enter the Bat-Cave of Gotham? In compelling work only one (of more later) lady fighting for women’s need met the head of a true work against communism; Wonder Woman! Again in the 60s; times were media high on fund and little on prejudice to me~! The social care for Union pay was more demanding for the grand man at the wheel of America was the one President Mr. Richard Millhouse Nixon! Not a commie nor a fool! And he it is said enjoyed the Caped Crusader and his brother of moving flight fight every lousy commie to oust Gotham from infection! That’s a tight and caring City I Roman Catholic and I am a collector of 50 rare comic books approve! How the two Millionaires arrive was very German – the vineyard of Berlin; Blass! In, conclusion; a underground today does exist under Manhattan, New York and in London and in early here! For the leather of Wolf; he is hair full!
Sources: — (TV series)
— —,_Sr.
Diamonds are a Girlu2019s Best Friend!! nnWriternAlexander Simon is open to comment!! nn(587) 589–6446nor Telus call on internet: alexsim@telus.netnn nnFamously performed by MarilynnMonroe in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes; anlady with blue piercing eyes had an engagement ring of diamond!! Here another Star Light; Jane Russell,nwho played opposite Monroe, sang “Diamonds Are a Girl’s BestnFriend”!! In BIG another Picture: Thensong is perhaps most famously performed by MarilynnMonroe in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.nMonroe’s first early Alberta version!! nn nnWhat are diamonds that dazzles women to a fury like sharks in anfrenzy?? The only answer isnscience!! While Marriage hold a diamondnring to a faithful matrimony; why a high price for wedding rights!!?nn nnThe best answer is are Diamonds real glass engineered to a new form? One is radioactivity. u201c(from Latin:ncarbo “coal”) is the chemicalnelement with symbol C and atomic numbern6. As a member of group 14 on the periodicntable, it is nonmetallic and tetravalentu2014makingnfour electronsnavailable to form covalent chemical bonds. There are threennaturally occurring isotopes, with 12C and 13Cnbeing stable, while 14C is radioactive,ndecaying with a half-life of about 5,730 years. Carbon is one of the few elements known since antiquity.n If Carbonate Carbon occurs and isnenriched where is this isotope that has an u201catomicu201d radiation that can ignite annatom bomb?? nn nnThe disturbance can be plotted against Diamond facets and read well!! As father and mother read off their daughteru2019snwedding conclude this: Has a Nation ofnAfrica entered a head of the United States as this reading: u201cDiamond extractionnfrom primary deposits (kimberlitic and lamproites) started in the 1870s afternthe discovery of the Diamond Fields in South Africa.[85]nProduction has increased over time and now an accumulated total ofn4,500,000,000 carats (900,000 kg) have been mined since that date; sincenby the internet again 49% of diamonds originate from Centralnand Southern Africa, although significant sources!!nn nnIf Africanholds real diamonds then why fund the poor with Unicef:?!!nn nnThe answernis fraud!! The African Nation has a lostnHistory including mining the Hope Diamond!! nKnown by early Unicef in France as (“the Blue of France”),;nIndia invaded parts of Chastain!! HerenNorthern Africa was mining for oil not diamonds and struck a vessel rich andnbetter than any glass!!nn nnIndia wasnoverwhelmed with the success and Germany landed for more interest and leftnreasoning not to trail women with false stones!!nn nnThus thenBlue Hope; was a media then race to not interest foreigners from winning a newnbold oil discovery!! nn nnSadly todaynwhile rocket prices soar from $300. To anamazing $19,000. US on a Carat shinny; gasoline is worth more and so is a womenu2019snreputation; as historically known!! Thenbetter investment is in banking!!nn nnA womenu2019snbest friend is a true marriage not a meteor of refined!! Meteors hit the Earth. Some-times nnBankers ofnwisdom refine a rare u201ccoal;u201d causingnalarm to un-wed women!! As MothernEarth’s treasures her only daughter (s) on the wedding day; the old adage ofnthrowing rice and first tossing a bed of resting roses to the next marry apply;ndoes the consideration; if a diamond can cut through glass and is the hardestnsubstance in the Earth? u201cDiamonds have the highest hardness of any bulk (all one type) material. Because of this,nmany important industries use diamonds as tools for cutting;u2026u201d does thisninclude dentistry? If this internetnstatement is correct a crystalline is marketed as a glass commonneverywhere!! While u2026 u201ccrystal is a solidnwhere the atoms form a periodic arrangement;u201d u2026 this is accomplished to shapenand facet a diamond!! From anmeteor!! Or; a rare though nown80-million tonne of current impact!! nn nnThat is the true Story of a rare ring in metal usually called Gold!!
Mijn oudere broer bracht me mijn eerste voorbeeld! Hij studeerde de Martial Arts; en als een jonge tiener; Ik vond een ronde aluminium 9‑inch cirkel met veren gekoppeld aan rood leer voor alle vingers en duim! Het idee werd doorgestuurd door Austin beroep! Op de jonge leeftijd van slechts 13 jaar en ouder; mijn handen voelde goed; en versterkt door de verbeelding van een “strak;” honkbal rond mijn rechts of links! Zulks sociaal assistente mijn moeder; voor ik gestofzuigd de tapijten dagelijks; en hielp unload boodschappen; zoals mijn vader was heengegaan; en we leven alleen! De ‘veren;’ gelegeerd staal waren van Brit, Engeland!
Ik mis deze “Karate Crusher;” vandaag en wens mijn zoon; kon verpletteren met mij vandaag!