Animated Video Shows Curiosity, NASA’s Mars Rover, in Dramatic Action

In late Novem­ber, NASA’s Curios­i­ty, the world’s biggest extrater­res­tri­al rover, began rock­et­ing toward Mars (see pho­tos of the launch here) in search of any hint that the red plan­et might have pro­vid­ed a home for micro­scop­ic life. The Curios­i­ty will even­tu­al­ly reach Mars in August after cov­er­ing 345 mil­lion miles. Ear­li­er this year, an artist released a rather dra­mat­ic ani­ma­tion depict­ing key moments in the mis­sion — the voy­age, the land­ing (don’t miss this part!), the explo­ration, and all of the rest. It’s anoth­er can­di­date for our col­lec­tion of Great Sci­ence Videos.


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  • Douglas Harley says:

    Is any­one else con­cerned that the Sky Crane that is going to care­ful­ly place the rover on the sur­face only has 4 “legs”. It appears to have two rock­ets on each leg, so are they back­ups, that will fire if the oth­er one does­n’t. Would­n’t it have been bet­ter if the sky cran was hexag­o­nal or octag­o­nal in shape, rather than rec­tan­gu­lar. If one or two of the rock­ets did­n’t work, it would not have been an issue. It could still main­tain it’s bal­ance, pro­vid­ed each rock­et had the capac­i­ty to oper­ate at more than 100% of what it requires, if all of them work?

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